So, I should have moved the BizTalk Deployment
Framework to CodePlex long ago, but better
late than never. Find it here.
A few small items:
- Better support for 64 bit platforms in scripting operations
- Support for using the 64 bit isapi extension for http adapter
A “startApplicationOnDeploy” property you can use to control whether your application
immediately starts after deploying - Bug fixes for the lightweight “Update Orchs/Comps” tool menu item
Automatic creation of “ProjectPath” sso config item – that lets you know where
your developer workspace or server installation directory resides. - Better support for pre-processing bindings on developer workstations
But the cool item is integration of Tom
Abraham’s improved “SettingsFileGenerator” – see here.
It moves the process of generating individual environment setting files from a VB
macro inside of the SettingsFileGenerator.xls spreadsheet to an external command-line tool.
It also allows you to use the Excel XML format for the SettingsFileGenerator
spreadsheet. The Excel XML format allows for the ability to do standard diff/merge
activities, a big improvement…
The way we’ve intergated this tool into the deployment framework allows you
to treat the individual settings files as “transient” – they will get auto-generated
by the deployment process now on the fly, and do not need to be version controlled
or manually generated after spreadsheet edits.