I’m thrilled to announce that Dallas TechFest 2009 is a go, for Friday April 17th, 2009. As such we are on the hunt for speakers willing to come out and share their knowledge. If you’re interested in speaking at Dallas TechFest, then here is what we would like:
- Full Name
- Email Address
- Blog and/or Twitter if you have one
- Short Bio – Tell us about yourself, and make it something we can share with the community if you’re accepted. Please include any qualifications you might have regarding your topics in this.
Then for each session you’d like to present please send:
- Session Title
- Abstract – A simply paragraph explaining your topic in more detail than the title gives.
- Session Length – Our standard length is 75 minutes, but we will accept a limited number of “double length” sessions, which would be 3 hours.
Once you’ve collected all that information, please send it away to [email protected] and we’ll review the submissions and let you know. We would like your submissions by March 6th, 2009 so we can finalize the schedule for events. We know this is short notice for speakers, and truly appreciate the great presenters in our region rising to the challenge.
Please remember we welcome all technologies at Dallas TechFest and expect to have tracks on Java, Ruby, PHP, Cold Fusion, Adobe Flex, as well as Microsoft technologies.