Here is a very handy list of promoted context properties and their name spaces that I found on Stephen Kaufman's WebLog.
Receive Side
1. ReceivedFileName (
2. InboundTransportLocation (
3. InterchangeID (
4. ReceivePortID (
5. ReceivePortName (
6. WasSolicitResponse (
7. AuthenticationRequiredOnReceivePort (
8. InboundTransportType (
9. LRPMsgBodyTracking (
10. MessageExchangePattern (
11. PortName (
12. ReceivePipelineID (
13. MessageType (
14. SchemaStrongName (
Send Side
1. CopyMode (
2. LTPMsgBodyTracking (
3. ReceivedFileName (
4. SPID (
5. ActualRetryCount (
6. FileName (
7. PartyName (
8. ReceivePortName (
9. WasSolicitResponse (
10. AllowCacheOnWrite (
11. RetryInterval (
12. OutboundTransportCLSID (
13. SPName (
14. InboundTransportLocation (
15. InterchangeID (
16. ReceivePortID (
17. SPTransportID (
18. TransmitPipelineID (
19. AuthenticationRequiredOnReceivePort (
20. InboundTransportType (
21. LRPMsgBodyTracking (
22. MessageExchangePattern (
23. OutboundTransportLocation (
24. PortName (
25. ReceivePipelineID (
26. SourcePartyID ()