Happy New Year to you all. Both the main contributors to this project coincidentally ended up ill over Christmas so it took a really long time to get this out the door, but the release candidate for V2006 R1 is now live. Grab it from the releases page.
We have also added in some steps that make use of EntLib v2.0 so you would need the Jan 2006 version if you wish to compile the source code. The binaries are in the bin folder and in another folder named References so you can repoint them if you have any issues in VS. I think it is possible to run these without actually installing EntLib but you may run into some performance counter errors. There are workarounds such as Installing the services for only the binaries used and setting the permissions for the perf counter user group, but generally on a development machine, you might as well install EntLib (unless you hate it or cannot use it for other reasons). Of course, you dont actually have to use the EntLib steps if you dont want to and you can get by with the others.
Do send us feedback and we will see how best to make use of entlib while keeping the core as lightweight as possible.
By the way, theres some good stuff on BizUnit snippets at : http://blogs.msdn.com/yjhong/archive/2006/05/04/589611.aspx
and : http://www.biztalkgurus.com/blogs/biztalk/archive/2006/07/20/How-To-Add-BizUnit-Snippets-Into-Visual-Studios-2005.aspx
The snippets were done a long time ago by Young Jun Hong and they dont cover all the steps and of course, they dont include the new extensions, but we’re trying to contact him to see if we can bring in these snippets into the project so we can keep them updated for all new steps.
(Do excuse the pasting of the links rather than embedding. For some reason firefox removes the embedded links if you use the hyperlink tool and stupid IE7 does not even render the rich text box for blog entries).