Over the last year or so most of my blog posts were predominantly dominated by posts related to BizTalk360. It wouldn’t be a surprise for most of the readers, given my association with BizTalk360.

Now BizTalk360 has grown into a well known product with team working behind it and customers over 10 countries (we finally added UK to the list 🙂 and Finland), it’s time to setup it’s own blog dedicated to product updates and write some cool things around monitoring, support, operation and administration of both BizTalk Server and BizTalk360. That’s exactly what we have done, you can reach BizTalk360  blog here http://blog.biztalk360.com and you can subscribe to the RSS feed here http://feeds.feedburner.com/biztalk360

There are some nice contents added recently,

  • What is BizTalk service instances (Suspended, Active, Schedule etc.) and how to monitor it?
  • BizTalk Server Exam Preparation Diary
  • Monitor BizTalk SQL Jobs using BizTalk360
  • BizTalk Receive Locations/Send Ports with service window – BizTalk360 can make your life easy
  • How to monitor your disks in BizTalk Servers?

Moving BizTalk360 contents to it’s own blog will help me write more about my personal interests in this blog. I’m intending to write more about my entrepreneurial journey, stay tuned.

Once again, I request my 8k+ subscribers to give the same support to the new BizTalk360 RSS feed http://feeds.feedburner.com/biztalk360 please subscribe.

