Now it is the timeline of the development tools only. It is a little bit “unofficial”. For example, I included the ESB but not RFID. Versions 2000 and 2002 are not covered , there only placeholders. Mainly because since the 2004 version it is completely new product from many points of view, including the developer’s point of view.
It is interesting, the main tools: the Schema Editor, Mapper, Orchestration Editor, Pipeline Editor were not changed since version 2004. BizTalk was heavily expanded over new areas and technologies. The core principle was “do no change things that work, add new features”.
Several tools were discarded, because of lack of user’s interest or because of the technology trends. For example, HWS, BAS, ODBA.
Please, let me know if you find out errors or weak points. Suggestions would be very-very appreciated.
It is version 1.