This post was originally published here

Welcome back to a new post about BizTalk Server Tips and Tricks! And this time I would like to talk about a very important topic for BizTalk Administrators: BizTalk MarkLog tables.

All the BizTalk databases that are backed up by the ‘Backup BizTalk Server’ job, which means all the default BizTalk databases (SSODB, BizTalkRuleEngineDb, BizTalkMsgBoxDb, BizTalkMgmtDb, BizTalkDTADb, BAMPrimaryImport, BAMArchive and BAMAlertsApplication) with the exception of the BAM Star Schema database (BAMStarSchema), have a table called “MarkLog”.

The only thing that these tables store, is a timestamp in a string format (Log_<yyyy>_<MM>_<dd>_<HH>_<mm>_<ss>_<fff>) that tells you each time the ‘Backup BizTalk Server’ job performs a backup of the transaction log of that specific database.

Note: This task is performed by the 3rd step (MarkAndBackUpLog) of the ‘Backup BizTalk Server’ job

So, each time this step runs, by default each 15 minutes, a string is stored in that table. Unfortunately, BizTalk has no out-of-the-box possibilities to clean up these tables. The normal procedure is to run the old Terminator tool to clean it up, which nowadays is integrated with the BizTalk Health Monitor.

Both of them (they are actually the same tool) has two major problems:

  • Using these tools, it means that we need to stop our BizTalk Server environment, i.e., downtime for a few minutes of our entire integration platform.
  • If we look at the description of the task, these tools execute: “PURGE Marklog table”, it says that this operation calls a SQL script that cleans up everything in Marklog table – and maybe this is not the best practices in terms of maintaining your environment.

This information is important and useful for the BizTalk Administration team, for example, to keep an eye on the backup/log shipping history records to see whether the backup is working correctly and data/logs are restored correctly in the standby environment.

As a best practice: you should respect the parameter “@DaysToKeep” present in the 4th step (Clear Backup History) of the ‘Backup BizTalk Server’ job, i.e., clean everything on that table older than the days specified in the “@DaysToKeep” parameter.

How to properly maintain BizTalk MarkLog tables?

To address and solve this problem, I end up creating a custom stored procedure in the BizTalk Management database (BizTalkMgmtDb) that I called “sp_DeleteBackupHistoryAndMarkLogsHistory”. This stored procedure is basically a copy of the existing “sp_DeleteBackupHistory” stored procedure with extended functionalities:

  • It iterates all the databases that are backed up by BizTalk and delete all data older than the days define in @DaysToKeep parameter

Script sample:

/* Create a cursor */
    DECLARE BackupDB_Cursor insensitive cursor for
        SELECT    ServerName, DatabaseName
        FROM    admv_BackupDatabases
        ORDER BY ServerName
    open BackupDB_Cursor
    fetch next from BackupDB_Cursor into @BackupServer, @BackupDB
            -- Get the proper server name
            EXEC @ret = sp_GetRemoteServerName @ServerName = @BackupServer, @DatabaseName = @BackupDB, @RemoteServerName = @RealServerName OUTPUT
            IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @ret IS NULL OR @ret <> 0 OR @RealServerName IS NULL OR len(@RealServerName) <= 0
                SET @errorDesc = replace( @localized_string_sp_DeleteBackupHistoryAndMarkLogsHistory_Failed_sp_GetRemoteServerNameFailed, N'%s', @BackupServer )
                RAISERROR( @errorDesc, 16, -1 )
                GOTO FAILED
            /* Create the delete statement */
            select @tsql =
            'DELETE FROM [' + @RealServerName + '].[' + @BackupDB + '].[dbo].[MarkLog]
            WHERE DATEDIFF(day, REPLACE(SUBSTRING([MarkName],5,10),''_'',''''), GETDATE()) > ' + cast(@DaysToKeep as nvarchar(5) )
            /* Execute the delete statement */
            EXEC (@tsql)
            SELECT @error = @@ERROR   
            IF @error <> 0 or @ret IS NULL or @ret <> 0
                 SELECT @errorDesc = replace( @localized_string_sp_DeleteBackupHistoryAndMarkLogsHistory_Failed_Deleting_Mark, '%s', @BackupServer + N'.' + @BackupDB )
                GOTO FAILED     
            /* Get the next DB. */
            fetch next from BackupDB_Cursor into @BackupServer, @BackupDB
    close BackupDB_Cursor
    deallocate BackupDB_Cursor

Steps required to install/configure:

  • Download the SQL script from BizTalk Server: Cleaning MarkLog Tables According to Some of the Best Practices and create the sp_DeleteBackupHistoryAndMarkLogsHistory stored procedure against to BizTalk Management database (BizTalkMgmtDb)
  • Change and configure the 4th step of the ‘Backup BizTalk Server’ job – “Clear Backup History” to call this new stored procedure: sp_DeleteBackupHistoryAndMarkLogsHistory

Note: Do not change or delete the “sp_DeleteBackupHistory”!

Credits: Tord Glad Nordahl, Rui Romano, Pedro Sousa, Mikael Sand and me

Stay tuned for new BizTalk Server Tips and Tricks!

Author: Sandro Pereira

Sandro Pereira is an Azure MVP and works as an Integration consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. View all posts by Sandro Pereira