Here’s another sample PowerShell script, this time to manage BizTalk Server ports
and receive locations. This one can:
- List all send ports
- List all receive ports and their associated receive locations
- List all send port groups and what send ports are associated with each one
- Enable/Disable a receive location
- Start/Stop/Enlist/Unenlist a send port
Here’s the code:
# declare our parameters: the action to take
[string] $action=$(throw ‘need action’),
[string] $name,
[string] $status
# Helper function to list all WMI objects of
# a given type
function bts-list-objs($kind)
get-wmiobject $kind `
-namespace ‘root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer’
# display all information about a receive port
function bts-display-recv-port($port)
$portname = $port.Name
$recvlocs = get-wmiobject MSBTS_ReceiveLocation `
-namespace ‘root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer’ `
-filter “ReceivePortName=’$portName'”
$recvlocs | ft Name, AdapterName, InboundTransportURL,
# display all information about a send port group
function bts-display-send-port-group($group)
$groupname = $group.Name
$ports = get-wmiobject MSBTS_SendPortGroup2SendPort `
-namespace ‘root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer’ `
-filter “SendPortGroupName=’$groupName'”
foreach ($port in $ports) { “`t” + $port.SendPortName }
# enable or disable the specified
# receive location
function bts-set-recv-loc-status($name, $status)
$recvloc = get-wmiobject MSBTS_ReceiveLocation `
-namespace ‘root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer’ `
-filter “Name=’$name'”
switch ( $status )
‘disable’ { $recvloc.psbase.invokemethod(‘Disable’,
$null) }
‘enable’ { $recvloc.psbase.invokemethod(‘Enable’, $null)
# controls a send port
function bts-set-send-port-status($name, $status)
$sendport = get-wmiobject MSBTS_sendPort `
-namespace ‘root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer’ `
-filter “Name=’$name'”
switch ( $status )
‘start’ { $sendport.psbase.invokemethod(‘Start’, $null)
‘stop’ { $sendport.psbase.invokemethod(‘Stop’, $null)
‘enlist’ { $sendport.psbase.invokemethod(‘Enlist’,
$null) }
‘unenlist’ { $sendport.psbase.invokemethod(‘UnEnlist’,
$null) }
function is-valid-opt($check, $options)
foreach ( $val in $options )
if ( $check -eq $val ) {
return $true
# main script
switch ( $action )
‘list-send-ports’ {
bts-list-objs(‘MSBTS_SendPort’) | ft Name, PTAddress,
‘list-send-port-groups’ {
bts-list-objs(‘MSBTS_SendPortGroup’) | %{ bts-display-send-port-group($_)
‘list-recv-ports’ {
bts-list-objs(‘MSBTS_ReceivePort’) | %{ bts-display-recv-port($_)
‘set-recv-loc-status’ {
if ( !(is-valid-opt $status (‘enable’, ‘disable’))
throw ‘invalid status’
if ( ($name -eq ”) -or ($name -eq $null) )
throw ‘you must supply the receive
location name’
bts-set-recv-loc-status $name $status
‘set-send-port-status’ {
if ( !(is-valid-opt $status (‘start’, ‘stop’, ‘enlist’,
‘unenlist’)) )
throw ‘invalid status’
if ( ($name -eq ”) -or ($name -eq $null) )
throw ‘you must supply the send port
bts-set-send-port-status $name $status