BizTalk 2004, Questions for interview without answers
BPEL4WS: Comparing of BizTalk 2004 and BPEL4WS
Which points is the BTS Orchestration different from BPEL4WS in?
Which objects in the BTS have different names from BPEL4WS?
Does the link object have a state?
What does it mean the “JoinCondition”?
What is the BizTalk analogue of the BPEL “Message Event” object?
What is the BizTalk analogue of the BPEL “Alarm Event” object?
WSDL 2.0
Which are names of the root tag and the upper level tags in WSDL 2.0?
Which children are nodes the “operation” and “endpoint”?
Can we use the third party schemas in the WSDL document? How?
Theory, Principles
Subscription/Publishing mode
What are two main types of subscriptions? What is the difference?
What is the Message Agent? It is the service for polishing/subscribing of the messages. (?)
What is the Endpoint Manager?
What is the Message Type?
When a send port creates a subscription?
Do we use enlist/unenlist operations for subscription or for publisher services?
Which three artifacts we can enlist/unenlist?
Is the Binding implementation of the Subscription/Publishing model? If “No”, what the model is it implementing?
Can I receive one message with the same type from different Receive port to one Receive shape?
Can I receive the same message with the same type to several Receive shapes?
Can I send the same message to the different Send ports?
Can I send the different messages with the same type to several Send ports?
Where do Filters for SP and RP “locate“?
Can several Transform shapes be used inside one Construct shape? If can do the Source message “map” both of them to the Target message or only one of them? Which one?
Can Transform shape and Assign shape are both used inside one Construct shape? If can do the Source message “map” both of them to the Target message or only one of them? Which one?
Which properties of the operations on the Port shape we use and what purpose for?
How we can transform data between types: String, XmlDocument, message – inside Orchestration?
Does Shape “Throw Exception” create an event or/and a Suspended Instance Service, if surrounding scope doesn’t handle this exception?
Can we see the name of method or class or assembly of the External Script functoids in the Property window?
Can we pass the value of the string/Boolean/int typed node to the Script functoid if the method of this functoid has input parameters of another type? If can where the transformations doing?
Which is right for the input Boolean parameter of the method of Script functoid: “TRUE”, “True” or “true”?
Which value we get as the output Boolean parameter of the method of Script functoid: “TRUE”, “True” or “true”?
Can we use 1/0 as the input Boolean parameter of the method of Script functoid?
Can we get the value from the Logical functoid to the Destination XML document?
Which value we can use on place of the Boolean input parameter of the functoid: “True”, “TRUE” or “true”?
When we “Test map“ with “Generate instance“ option how much records would be generate for record with “Min Occurs“ equal 0 and “Max Occurs“ equal “Unbounded“?
When we “Test map“ with “Generate instance“ option how much records would be generate for record with “Min Occurs“ equal 1 and “Max Occurs“ equal “Unbounded“?
How we can get the name of node from Source Xml document to mapping?
How we can get the name of node from Target Xml document to mapping?
How we can eliminate mapping of the Empty source node? (An empty source node should NOT create the empty target node)
How we can enforce mapping of the Empty target node? (An absent source node should create the empty target node)
Can we choose between creating two kind of the Empty target nodes in mapping, and (with two tags and one tag)?
Can we choose between creating the Empty target node and eliminating the Empty target node in mapping?
Is there any difference in processing “the Empty node” and “no node” cases in mapping?
We produce a target node with “Value Mappong” functoid. This node has properties “Max/Min Occurs” = default (1) and “Default Value” = “0”. Which value have we got if first parameter of the “Value Mappong” functoid is equal “false”?
(“0” / Empty string / 0 (integer) / null (node is not created))
Rule sets, Policies
You use in MyPolicy some facts from MyXmlDoc schema. When you are choosing MyPolicy in the Call Rules shape you can not see and choose the parameters of MyPolicy. Why? (You have only one message variable with MyXmlDoc type and it chosen automaticaly / You did not change manualy property the “Document Type“ for facts of the MyXmlDoc schema / You use the wrong version of MyPolicy in Orchestration / You use the wrong version of vocabulary for MyPolicy)
You use MySchema in the MySolution.MyProgect assembly and use in policy MyFact that is NodeA under RootNode of the MySchema. What the value should be property the “Document Type“ for this fact? (MySchema / MySolution.MyProgect / MySolution.MyProgect.MySchema / NodeA / RootNode.NodeA / MySchema.RootNode.NodeA / MySolution.MyProgect.MySchema.RootNode.NodeA)
You deployed 1.1 version of MyPolicy, then chose MyPolicy in CallRules shape of MyOrch, then you deployed the assembly with MyOrch, and then you deployed 1.2 version of MyPolicy. Which version of the MyPolicy is in use? (1.2, 1.1, you should change the version of MyPolicy in CallRules shape)
You use a Policy in an Orchestration. Action in your Rule has changed a value of node in Xml message. How you can get this new value in Orchestration?
(I get it in the Expression shape only if it is promoted. / I get it in the Expression shape anyway by xpath(). / I have to use a variable to pass this value to the Orchestration.)
You use in your Vocabulary and Policy class PolicyHelper. You have changed the name of this class to the PolicyOneHelper. What will be going on in Composer?
(Because the assembly name and namespace are not changed, Policy and Vocabulary will automatically change name. / You have to manually change the name in Composer. / You have to manually choose class with new name in your definitions/rules for Vocabulary/Policy. / You could not open those Vocabulary and Policy and will get an error.)
You use a Policy in an Orchestration. You start to use new class in your Policy. You have deployed new version of this Policy.
Will your Orchestration work without any error? (Yes/No)
Will your Policy work in the Orchestration well? (Yes/No)
Do you need to manually change an Orchestration? (Yes/No)
Have you got an error if you try to rebuild Orchestration without this change? (Yes/No)
How can we track executing of the Rules?
(HAT/Queries/Policies; / load Add-On to HAT then HAT/Queries/Policies; / HAT/choose one of the Service Instance lists ->Right click on one Service Instance/choose Message Flow/choose link “…to view the Policy…”)
If we open HAT, a window “Policy Execution Details” and go to the one of the windows with the rule execution information (like “Fact Activity”) how we can go back and forward between those information windows?
(File / Navigate back/forward; Alt- -> <-; No way)
How we can see the working version of the Policy?
(HAT/go to the window “Policy Execution Details”; HAT/Configuration/Policies; in Orchestration click “CallRules” shape and view list of the current policies; in Registry, key “<BREroot>/Policies in use”)
Ports, Adapters
Where are the maps assigned to the Receive Locations and Send Ports?
If we delete a Send port from the Send Port Group do we delete the Send Port itself?
If we delete a Receive Location from the Receive Port do we delete the Receive Location itself?
Do Send port and Receive Port have the same object structure? Tell about how the properties assigned to the objects.
Do the Service Window for Send and Receive ports have the Properties “Start Date” and “Stop Date”?
Are parameters of the Service Window of Send ports and Receive ports saved in the binding file?
Which advantages/disadvantages are creating ports from the Orchestration by options “Specify now” or “Specify later”?
Can we make file in the FILE Receive Location undeleted? What was going on in this case?
Why Receive Port can get a collection of Maps on it but Send Port Group can’t get Maps (Send Port can)?
Why Receive Port can get a collection of Maps on it but not the Receive Location?
Can we create on the Receive Port a collection of Maps with different Target Schemas?
Why Receive Port and Receive Location can not get a Filter on it but Send Port can get a Filter?
SQL adapter and ports
What the difference between one-way and two-way SQL Send ports?
Does the one-way SQL Send port have the Response part?
Can we manually edit the “URI” parameter of SQL Send port and or Receive Location?
Can we use the same URI for several SQL Receive Locations? Can we use the same URI for several SQL Send ports?
Are the SQL Adapter Handler properties the default values for all Ports, or something else?
Which advantages/disadvantages has working with SQL data base through SQL Send and Receive ports vs. working from Orchestration through .NET classes?
What the purpose of generating Multi-part messages by “Add Adapter“ Wizard?
We have generated artifacts by “Add Adapter“ Wizard for SQL Port. What we should do to move them to the different Orchestration? What we should do to move them to the different Orchestration in different Project?
How we can add adapter to the BizTalk? Is it possible by using Add Adapter“ Wizard?
How we can protect data from tracking using schema parameters?
Is the isSensetive attribute worked for promoted properties?
Who own the private part of the key certificate to encrypt message? (Sender/Receiver/SSO service)
Who own the private part of the key certificate to sign message? (Sender/Receiver/SSO service)
Is the Other People certificate store used on (Per Local Computer/Per Local User/Per Domain User) basis?
Which certificate store is used for store the public part of the key certificates? (Personal certificates/Trusted publishers/Untrusted certificates/Other people)
Which certificate store is used for store the private part of the key certificates? (Personal certificates/Trusted publishers/Untrusted certificates/Other people)
Which account do we have to log into to import the decryption certificates to the personal certificate store? (Local user account/Host service account/Administration account/SSO Administration account)
If we have several personal certificates for sign the outbound messages which one will be used? (Specified in the BizTalk Administration Console/Specified in the Certificate service Management Console/Specified in the Configure your server Wizard/Specified in the Local Security Policy Console)
There are steps to configure BizTalk for party resolution. Which one is wrong?
A. To install certificate to the certificate store.
B. To receive certificate from partner.
C. To send certificate to partner.
D. To create a party to represent a partner.
E. To create a pipeline for party resolution.
F. To configure the receive location.
Tracking, HAT
What can be the cause of Suspended messages?
How we can see the body of the Suspended message?
How we can see the context of the Suspended message?
You deploy a new version of MyPolisy and want to get the tracking data from it. What you should do? (Choose the new version of MyPilicy in Configuration/Policies window of HAT? Nothing if you also configured HAT to get tracking information from previous version of MyPolicy.)
How to see in HAT the tracking data of your polisy? (Choose from the “Queries” menu the “Most receive Policy“ command / Choose from the “Queries” menu the “Most receive Fired actions“ command / In “Message Flow” window for the Service Instance wich calling your policy you should see the text “Follow this link to view the Policy execution details for this Orchestration Instance“ and click this text)
Can the message be deleted inside the BizTalk data base?
How can we proceed with the Suspended (Resumable) message?
How can we proceed with the Suspended (Not resumable) message?
How can we repeat the Suspended (Not resumable) message?
Does a message, processed but not routed and got to the Suspended state, is going to delete from the Receive location?
How we can get the Suspended message?
Tuning up
How we can change the timeout for Dehydration of the orchestration?