This post was originally published here
Let me tell you the story behind BizMan, The BizTalk Server SuperHero Sticker. On 12th May, during my session in the Integrate 2016 event in London about “A new set of BizTalk Server Tips and Tricks”, I announce that I had two BizTalk Server 2016 stickers versions to offer – probably one of the firsts BizTalk stickers ever – with the mythic phrase “The T-Rex is loose“ to celebrate the release of BizTalk Server 2016 version and one of them, of course, with a badass T-Rex and the other with a “dear”/”sweet” T-Rex version.
You need to remember that to commemorate the first release ever: BizTalk Server 2000 (on 12/12/2000) the BizTalk Server marketing folks designed a “killer” mouse pad for the product team with the phrase “The T-Rex is loose”.
(Original photo from Gijs in ‘t Veld)
You can read more about it on Gijs in ‘t Veld blog: Happy 12th birthday BizTalk Server, The T-Rex!.
Of course, BizTalk people love them… Who doesn’t like T-Rex? Who doesn’t like BizTalk?
- Well to respond to the first question, I think all of us like T-Rex… because they don’t exist anymore, they appear in so many movies, they are so cool, they are so huge, Rex meaning “king” in Latin by the way… so the tyrant king it is badass!
- To respond the second question: Many people, for many reasons, they simply don’t understand the product (but wish to all of their features for free) or they simply do not realize what enterprise integration is. (but that is a different topic that I will not enter into detail here)
And some of the feedback, if we can call it that way, that I received from these group of people (the ones that don’t like BizTalk Server – probably the same that are always saying BizTalk is dead) was more or like this:
- “It is an old product, obsolete like the dinosaur”
BizTalk has never been so alive that is today, we are actually seeing the PRO INTEGRATION team at Microsoft investing heavily in the product, not only supporting new platform updates but actually bringing new capabilities at a faster pace to the product. So, my response to these group of people and to this type of comment is in the creation of a new sticker: The BizTalk Server SuperHero: THE BIZMAN!
If you want to add this sticker to your laptop or another area, you just need to download the zip file below and send it to a graphic shop. It as in the perfect size/resolution for printing.
I decide to call it BizMan but there were plenty of other amazing suggestions:
Hope you enjoy!
Special thanks to my two coworkers at DevScope: Frederico Junqueira, the artist and creator of the BizMan, The BizTalk Server SuperHero design and António Lopes for giving the final touches and help with everything related with the graphic.
You can download BizMan, The BizTalk Server SuperHero sticker from:
BizTalk Server SuperHero Sticker: BizMan (10,1 MB)
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