This post was originally published here
The Analytics Reporting feature is one of the main features which offers out of the box capabilities. It allows users to create schedules and generate PDF documents based on critical performance metrics at specific time periods. In previous versions, we supported only default pre-configured widgets in the Analytics reporting section. From v9.0.2 we provided an option to configure the Secure SQL Queries widgets in the Reporting section.
In the upcoming version v9.0.3, we extended this to support Analytics custom widgets, with this the user can configure the performance metrics as a widget and get them as a report.
Analytics Custom Widgets
In the Analytics dashboard, we have an option to configure performance widgets to the dashboard. Once you enabled any of the types (BizTalk, SQL, IIS, and Windows) in any selected environment, the BizTalk360 Analytics service will start collecting the performance metrics. These performance metrics can be mapped to the custom widget.
Some of our customers requested us to bring the ability to manage analytics custom widgets in the Reporting section. Considering the business value, for BizTalk360 v9.0.3, we are bringing an option to manage analytics custom widgets to the Analytics Reporting, as well as new user experience of the Reporting section.
Analytics Custom Widgets in Reporting
Let’s take a few scenarios to understand what we can achieve with the custom widgets.
Get the Host Suspended Messages Metrics
Using Analytics custom widget, you can determine the Suspended messages metrics and also the number of instances, per host instances, in a graphical representation. For this, you need to enable the Performance counter Server->BizTalk->BizTalk: Message Box: Host Counters. Once you enabled the metrics and configured to the widget, it will fetch the current metrics values and represent them in a graphical way.
Comparing the performance of two BizTalk servers
Consider another scenario where you would like to compare the performance of two BizTalk servers and find which server consumes more memory and CPU. This can be achieved by configuring servers and select the appropriate metrics for the widgets.
BizTalk Host Performance By CPU
By enabling the Server->BizTalk->Process -> % Process time, in Analytics Configuration under the Settings section, you can see the Host Performance by CPU, by using an Analytics custom widget. Once you enabled the metrics and configured the widget, the Analytics service will collect the counters for the selected metrics and represent it in a graphical way.
Below are some of the BizTalk performance metrics which you can configure as an analytics custom widget and get it as a report.
BizTalk and SQL Server Health
- CPU Usage
- Memory Usage
- Disk Free Space
- Average Disk Queue Length
- Network Performance
- IIS Request Per Sec
- IIS Worker Process: CPU Usage
- IIS Worker Process: Memory Usage
Host Performance
- Host Instance performance by CPU
- Host Instance Performance by Memory
- CPU Consuming Host Instances
- Top 10 Memory Consuming Host Instances
BizTalk Messaging Performance
- BizTalk Host Performance
- Documents Receive/Second
- Documents Processed/Second
- Inbound Latency (Sec)
- Outbound Latency (Sec)
- Outbound Adapter Latency (Sec)
- Request -Response Latency
Throttling Performance
- Message delivery Throttling State
- Message Publishing Throttling State
- Message Delivery Outgoing Rate
- Message Delivery Incoming Rate
- Active Instance Count
- Database Size
- Database Session
- Database Session Threshold
- In-Process message Count
- In-Process Message Count threshold
- Message publishing incoming Rate
- Message Publishing Outgoing Rate
In order to improve the user experience in the Analytics Reporting section, we have modified the User Interface for that section.
Previously, when we create a new report, the report would be added under the Reporting group on the left side navigation bar. We felt that it would be a bit confusing to the customer like where to start with. So, we removed the navigations and introduced a new page for Manage Reports.
In the Analytics Reporting Section, we now have 3 sub-menus:
- Reporting Schedules
- Manage Reports
- Report Notification History
Reporting Schedules
As a first step, you need to create a schedule to get a periodic report of the configured widgets. To create a schedule, refer to this article.
Manage Reports
Once after creating a schedule, the next step is to create a report and add widgets to the report. Once you get into the Manage Reports section, you will be able to see the Sample report in the grid. You can’t do any operations with the ‘Sample Report’ except viewing the sample widgets.
By clicking Configure reports icon, you can see the Sample widgets in the Report.
In the Manage Reports section, you can manage (Add/Edit/Delete/Clone) the reports.
To create a new report, click on the ‘Add New Report’, the blade will open and then you can provide the name of the report and chose the schedule (how often do you want to receive the reported).
Once after you have saved the configuration, the new report will be generated and added to the grid. The Sample Report will be removed from the grid.
To manage the widgets in the report, click on the Configure Reports icon.
There you can see the options to add widgets(custom/basic). Refer to the Manage Widgets article to know more about how to manage the widgets in the Report.
Configure Analytics Custom Widgets to the Report
Click on ‘Add Widget’, this will open a blade. At the bottom of the blade you can see the ‘Create Analytics Custom widget’ option.
Click ‘Create Analytics Custom Widget’, it opens a blade where you can see the metrics which all are enabled (in Tracking data collection in the Settings section).
You can map whatever performance metrics you want to get as a PDF in your email box.
For instance, I will configure the metrics, as mentioned above, that I want to know how much memory and CPU my BizTalk Server consumes.
Live Data and Historical Data
Once the report has been generated and sent to the recipient’s email, the generated report will be stored and can be viewed by choosing the Date Time in the filter.
You can see the actual data sent as an attachment to your email address.
Using Live Data, you can see the actual metrics.
Report Notification History
Using Report Notification History, you can see whether the mail has been sent to the recipient’s Email address or not. This will be represented in a success and error icon; A green tick icon is for the successful message and a red cross icon for the failure of sent. It will show only the top 50 records.
I hope this blog has given you overall information about how to start with Analytics Reporting, the new user interface and how to configure the Analytics custom widget to the Reports.
For more information about how these widgets work, check our Documentation Portal.
The post Analytics Custom Widgets in Reporting appeared first on BizTalk360.