Auckland Connected User Group (ACSUG)

February 8, 2017

Auckland Connected User Group (ACSUG)

Filed under: Azure, BizTalk — Tags: Logic Apps, APIM, Flow, PowerApps — mbrimble @ 12:31 pm

We are starting to meet again regularly after a long hibernation.

Thiago Almeida started the group many years ago but it has been in hibernation for  awhile. Mike Howell, Craig Haiden and myself have decided to start it again. We plan to have regular meeting every two months during the year. We have some good speakers lined up and have some fun evenings planned.

If you are interested in joining then join up at

The first two sessions promise some exciting action;

Tuesday, February 14, 2017   6:00 PM to 7:30 PM – Steef-Jan Wiggers :: Cloud Integration: so many options!
Saturday, March 25, 2017   8:30 AM to 6:00 PM – Global Integration Bootcamp (AKL)

Credits for the picture go to Brian Lai who works on our support desk. He recently won a photo competition run by Microsoft. If you want to see more of his work then check out these links

Microsoft themes:

and search for:

 “Nature’s Grace” or


“North Island” or



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Elevating permissions for BizTalk Server Operators Group

Elevating permissions for BizTalk Server Operators Group

December 1, 2016

Elevating permissions for BizTalk Server Operators Group

Filed under: BizTalk — mbrimble @ 4:54 pm

I found this blog article , by Toon Vanhoutte   very useful today.  Adding this link to my blog so i don’t forget it.


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Integrating Apache ActiveMQ with BizTalk Server–Memory Issues

Integrating Apache ActiveMQ with BizTalk Server–Memory Issues

October 11, 2016

Integrating Apache ActiveMQ with BizTalk Server–Memory Issues

Filed under: BizTalk — Tags: ActiveMQ, REST — mbrimble @ 12:08 pm

We followed Mohamed M Malek and used the WCF-WebHTTP adapter to integrate with the Apache ActiveMQ Rest API.  Initially we used a HTTP GET to consume the message but discovered that after a while the central message broker ran out of memory. Researching the Apache documentation we discovered that you can consume messages by browsing to the subscription but you must then DELETE the message when you have finished processing it,  to acknowledge a particular message.

We tried to acknowledge our HTTP GET with a subsequent HTTP DELETE but could not DELETE the message from the queue. It had already been removed from our subscription.

In the end we changed from using a HTTP GET to a HTTP DELETE.  The Apache documentation says you can use either a HTTP DELETE or GET to consume the message. We found that response was identical whether we used GET or DELETE. What was more pleasing was that the memory no longer increased on the central message broker and this solved our issue. Thanks to Deepa Kamalanathan for working all this out.



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What’s wrong and right with the BizTalk WCF-WebHTTP adapter

What’s wrong and right with the BizTalk WCF-WebHTTP adapter

October 4, 2016

What’s wrong and right with the BizTalk WCF-WebHTTP adapter

Filed under: BizTalk — Tags: REST, WCF — mbrimble @ 3:15 pm

Colin Dijkgraaf and I presented this on Integration Monday today. In this session we showed why the WCF-WebHTTP adapter requires some workarounds. We used BizTalk 2016 Tap release to demonstrate these workarounds. The presentation and PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded from here.


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My First Logic App

My First Logic App

August 2, 2016

My First Logic App

Filed under: Azure, BizTalk — Tags: Azure Service Bus, Logic App, SB-messaging Adapter — mbrimble @ 6:11 pm

I really like this logic app pattern.

The NZ Post parcel events application ( will not repeat an event. I decided to expose http endpoint in an azure Logic App and send these to a Azure Service Bus. I then I retrieve the message using a BizTalk SB-Messaging adapter, whenever I am ready and then do all the heavy lifting.

This was a brilliant experience with a customer in front of me. All done in less than 15 minutes!


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