Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.
Azure Logic Apps team is looking to learn about how are you using BizTalk Server Business Rules Engine (BRE) and how often you deploy them to better understand how Microsoft can best address future integration needs within the Azure Integration Services platform and maybe bring identical capabilities into it.
No matter if you are considering migrating in the future to Azure Integration Services or staying on-premises for a couple of more years (or forever) this is ANOTHER great opportunity to provide feedback to the Microsoft Integration team and positively influence the outcome of new features.
So, for customers that are using BizTalk Server or were using BizTalk Server in the past, this survey is for you! If you are a consulting company providing services to clients using BizTalk Server, this surveyis also for you! The Azure Logic Apps team would love to hear from you!!! They want AGAIN to enter and poke around your brain, your world and gather all the feedback regarding BizTalk Server BRE:
What type of Business Rules facts are you using?
Explain how you use these features
How frequently do you deploy new versions of your policies?
How important is publishing your policies outside of your integration configuration?
Do you need to specifically call a version of your policy or is the latest version sufficient?
Is using the existing BizTalk Rules Composer to create/edit rules acceptable, if your rules end up being deployed to Azure?
Do you use the Policy Tracking Feature?
Do you use the BizTalk Rules Engine from outside of BizTalk?
Do you have sensitive information stored in your Policies?
or to Briefly describe your business scenario that the Business Rules Engine addresses
Once again, don’t complain in the future about the lack of features that will suit you better. The team is interested in how they can best support customers transitioning integration workloads to Azure Integration Services (AIS)… you are not going to move to Azure? The survey does not take that long to respond to, so if you are using BizTalk Server try to respond nevertheless, by doing that you can help other customers on their journey.
And ONCE AGAIN! For the bad mouths of this universe or for those who like to create rumors because they have nothing to say… this survey does not mean that BizTalk Server is dead! The goal is to help Microsoft prioritize upcoming investments in Azure Integration Services (AIS).
I did my part!
Please fill out the following survey to help Azure Logic Apps:
Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.
Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.
As you most likely are aware, when a document is received by a BizTalk Server adapter, the adapter creates a BizTalk message for the document. The BizTalk message contains the document that was received as well as a message context. The message context is a container for various properties that are used by BizTalk Server when processing the document. Each property in the Message Context is composed of three things, a name, a namespace, and a value.
Message context properties are added to the message context throughout the lifetime of the message as it passes through the BizTalk Server. These properties:
Are either extracted from the message itself, for example, order id or shipment number
Or added by pipelines and adapters at the receive location, for example, transport name or receive port name
There are mainly two benefits of this context:
The first is to provide the various components of BizTalk, an easy access to these properties, without having to parse the message
The second is to support content-based routing.
There are two different types of message context properties used by BizTalk as described below:
Distinguished Fields
Property Fields.
In this whitepaper, you will learn the key differences between Distinguished and Property Fields but most importantly you will have access to a complete list of known property schema and properties used internally by the BizTalk Server out-of-the-box components.
What’s in store for you?
This whitepaper will give you a detailed understanding of the following:
BizTalk Message Context Properties
What are Property fields and how to promote properties?
What are distinguished fields and how to create a distinguished field?
Summary of differences between Property Fields and Distinguished Fields
System property schema and properties
Error Report property schema and properties
Legacy schema and properties
Microsoft BizTalk XLANGs BTXEngine schema and properties
Message Tracking schema and properties
BizTalk Framework Schema and Properties
MIME-SMIME Property Schema and Properties
XML and Flat File Property Schema and Properties
File adapter property schema and properties
FTP Adapter Property Schema and Properties
HTTP Adapter Property Schema and Properties
MQSeries Adapter Property Schema and Properties
MSMQ Adapter Property Schema and Properties
POP3 Adapter Property Schema and Properties
SMTP Adapter Property Schema and Properties
SFTP Adapter Property Schema and Properties
SOAP Adapter Property Schema and Properties
SQL Adapter Property Schema and Properties
WCF Adapters Property Schema and Properties
Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Property Schema and Properties
Azure Service Bus Adapter Property Schema and Properties
Azure Blob storage Adapter Property Schema and Properties
Azure Event Hubs Adapter Property Schema and Properties
Office 365 Outlook Calendar Adapter Property Schema and Properties
Office 365 Outlook Contact Adapter Property Schema and Properties
Office 365 Outlook Email Adapter Property Schema and Properties
SharePoint Online Adapter Property Schema and Properties
Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 (BTAHL7) Property Schema and Properties
How to write or promote properties in the context of a messages through the BizTalk API
Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.
Azure Logic Apps team is looking to learn about your BizTalk architectures and scenarios to better understand how Microsoft can best address future integration needs within the Azure Integration Services platform.
No matter if you are considering migrating in the future to Azure Integration Services or staying on-premises for a couple of more years (or forever) this is a great opportunity to provide feedback to the Microsoft Integration team and positively influence the outcome of new features.
So, for customers that are using BizTalk Server or were using BizTalk Server in the past, this survey is for you! If you are a consulting company providing services to clients using BizTalk Server, this survey is also for you! The Azure Logic Apps team would love to hear from you!!! They want to enter and poke around your brain, your world and gather all the feedback regarding BizTalk Server:
What version you are using or were using?
How many applications do you have?
How many orchestrations, receive locations, and send ports do you have?
What features you are using?
If you are like me, all! depending on the client I even select others
Which connectors are being used in your BizTalk Server implementation?
Do you have any custom adapters?
What Integration Patterns are you currently using?
and many other simple questions
Don’t complain in the future about the lack of features that will suit you better. The team is interested in how they can best support customers transitioning integration workloads to Azure Integration Services (AIS)… you are not going to move to Azure? The survey does not take that long to respond to, so if you are using BizTalk Server try to respond nevertheless, by doing that you can help other customers on their journey.
For the bad mouths of this universe or for those who like to create rumors because they have nothing to say… this survey does not mean that BizTalk Server is dead! The goal is to help Microsoft prioritize upcoming investments in Azure Integration Services (AIS).
Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.