February 21, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

February 21, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.

Microsoft Announcements and Updates



Community Blog Posts




How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure


Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

The post February 21, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS appeared first on Hooking Stuff Together.

Best Practices while working with Schemas Pattern restrictions

Best Practices while working with Schemas Pattern restrictions

Yesterday I spoke about how you can apply custom pattern restrictions to properly validate DateTime, Date, and Time formats inside elements or attributes. You can see more about it here:

And I mention that these Regular Expressions can be simple and relatively easier to read if you have some basic knowledge like this one below:

  • d{4}d{2}d{2} – that is a simple format that expects 4 digits followed by 2 additional digits and another 2 digits that is the date in the YYYYMMDD format without validating the accuracy of months or days and where:
    • YYYY is the for digits year, like 2022.
    • MM is the 2 digits month, like 01.
    • DD is the 2 digits day, like 21.

But it can get highly complex that even people with good knowledge have difficulty translating the expression to the expected pattern, like the one below:

  • ^(?:(?:31(/|-|.)(?:0?[13578]|1[02]))1|(?:(?:29|30)(/|-|.)(?:0?[1,3-9]|1[0-2])2))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?d{2})$|^(?:29(/|-|.)0?23(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))))$|^(?:0?[1-9]|1d|2[0-8])(/|-|.)(?:(?:0?[1-9])|(?:1[0-2]))4(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?d{2})$

It is not simple to look to this RegEx and say: “yep, we are expecting this Date format: MM/DD/YYYY like 12/11/1999, and by the way, it validates the Leap Year!”

Imagine users that don’t have strong know-how about RegEx!

So, what can we do to improve this experience? What are the best practices in these cases?

Best practices

A good best practice to improve readability while documenting your schemas is to add notes to these elements or attributes.

We can and should use the Notes property to enter notes, such as comments related to the business process, that you would like to make about the selected RecordField Element, or Field Attribute node. In these DateTime, Date, and Time cases, we can simply add the expected format in the Notes property, like:

  • Format: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Format: HH:mm:ss
  • Format: YYYYMMDD
  • Format: HHmm
  • Format: YYYY-MM-DD – It validates Leap Year

To accomplish this, we need to

  • Right-click on the Element or Attribute fields in the schema tree view and select the Properties option.
  • On the Properties window, click on the … (three dots) on the Notes property. This action will open a Notes window where you can add all your relevant notes.

Do that to all your elements and fields that are using pattern restrictions.

Even non-technical guys can understand the Schema specification you provide or are consuming. This best practice implementation will also help you improve productivity since you will not spend too much time decompiling Regular Expressions.



You can download the POC: BizTalk Schemas Handle Restrictions on Date from GitHub here:

BizTalk Schema Validation: DateTime Restrictions

BizTalk Schema Validation: DateTime Restrictions

Today I was involved in a BizTalk Schema importation that includes not-so-used restrictions on Date and Time elements formats. And that gave me the idea and inspiration to create this blog post.

When we work with DateTime on Schemas by default we can choose from the following data types:

  • xs:dateTime: The dateTime data type is used to specify a date and a time in the following form “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffK” where:
    • YYYY indicates the year
    • MM indicates the month
    • DD indicates the day
    • T indicates the start of the required time section
    • hh indicates the hour
    • mm indicates the minute
    • ss indicates the second
    • fff indicates the milliseconds
    • K represents the time zone information of a date and time value (e.g. +05:00)
  • xs:date: The date data type is used to specify a date in the following form “YYYY-MM-DD” where:
    • YYYY indicates the year
    • MM indicates the month
    • DD indicates the day
  • xs:time: The time data type is used to specify a time in the following form “hh:mm:ss.fffK” where:
    • hh indicates the hour
    • mm indicates the minute
    • ss indicates the second
    • fff indicates the milliseconds
    • K represents the time zone information of a date and time value (e.g. +05:00)

or you could use an xs:string that b.asically accepts everything. The only problem here is that by default we can’t do a schema validation to see if it is a valid DateTime format.

But not all systems respect de DateTime formats expected by the XSD default values. So, what are my options if a system expects other types of DateTime, Date, or Time formats? Like:

  • YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
  • HHmmss
  • HH:mm:ss
  • and so on.

Simple Type Derivation Using the Restriction Mechanism

Luckily for us BizTalk Schema Editor and schemas, in general, allow us to derive a simple type, for example, xs:string, by using the restriction mechanism, i.e., we are typically restricting the values allowed in a message for that attribute or element value to a subset of those values allowed by the base simple type. A good and common sample of these types of restrictions is to restrict a string type to be one of several enumerated strings.

Luckily for us, again, we can also apply a pattern (that uses Regex expression) to validate the element or attribute value.

To derive a simple type by using restriction:

  • Select the relevant Field Element node or Field Attribute node in the schema tree
  • And then, in the Properties window, on the Derived By property set as Restriction.
    • This will add/present the Restriction properties on the Properties window.
  • On the Restriction properties, click on the (3 dots) on the Pattern property to define the RegEx.

Regular expression samples to validate date formats

Here is where the fun starts. There are many ways to archive this goal:

  • One’s more simple but probably not that efficient since they may not validate all cases (Leap year, and so on)
  • Others more complex that requires more knowladge but more accurated.

In a general overview, the use of regex to validate the date format supports a variety of situations and possibilities like:

  • Rule to validate the year:
    • d{4} – it says that accepts 4 digits like: 2022
    • (19|20)[0-9][0-9] -accepts years starting with 19 or 20, i.e., from 1900 to 2099
  • Rule to validate the month:
    • d{2} – it says that accepts 2 digits like: 12, but the problem here is that also accepts invalid months like 24 or 99.
    • 0?[1-9]|1[012] – accepts 01-09 (leading zero), 1-9 (single digit) and 10,11,12
  • Rule to validate the day:
    • d{2} – it says that accepts 2 digits like: 12, but the problem here is that also accepts invalid days like 32 or 99. It also don’t validate what is the month we define to validate if accepts 28, 29, 30 or 31
    • 0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01] – accepts 01-09 (leading zero), 1-9 (single digit), 10-19, 20-29 and 30-31. It doesn.t check if it is a Leap year or not.
  • To implement the lead year that needs to be with a concatenation of several rules like this sample:
    • ^(?:(?:31(/)(?:0[13578]|1[02]))1|(?:(?:29|30)(/)(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])2))(?:(?:18|19|20)d{2})$|^(?:29(/)023(?:(?:(?:(?:18|19|20))(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26]))))$|^(?:0?[1-9]|1d|2[0-8])(/)(?:(?:0[1-9])|(?:1[0-2]))4(?:(?:18|19|20)d{2})$

This is a different approach to do the same as above:

  • (19|20)((([02468][48]|[13579][26])-0?2-29)|dd-((0?[469]|11)-([012]?d|30)|(0?[13578]|1[02])-([012]?d|3[01])|(0?2-([01]?d|2[0-8]))))

But we can go further and allow different types of format like:

  • ^(?:(?:31(/|-|.)(?:0?[13578]|1[02]|(?:Jan|Mar|May|Jul|Aug|Oct|Dec)))1|(?:(?:29|30)(/|-|.)(?:0?[1,3-9]|1[0-2]|(?:Jan|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec))2))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?d{2})$|^(?:29(/|-|.)(?:0?2|(?:Feb))3(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))))$|^(?:0?[1-9]|1d|2[0-8])(/|-|.)(?:(?:0?[1-9]|(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep))|(?:1[0-2]|(?:Oct|Nov|Dec)))4(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?d{2})$

Your imagination and skills are the limit.

Note: images and debug RegEx at https://www.debuggex.com/.

Using multiple patterns to simplify complexity

As you saw above, things can go out of control and become quite complex. Fortunately, the BizTalk Schema Editor and the schemas, in general, allow us to apply multiple patterns to simplify the overall expression.

So, for example, if I want to have the following Date format: YYYYMMDD with Leap year validated I can use the combination of these 4 expressions:

  • (19|20)dd(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8])
  • (19|20)([02468][048]|[13579][26])0229
  • (19|20)dd(0[13-9]|1[0-2])(29|30)
  • (19|20)dd(0[13578]|1[02])31

Some samples

Date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD like 2022-12-11

Simple formats

  • d{4}-d{2}-d{2} – simple format without validating month or day
  • (19|20)d{2}-d{2}-d{2} – restricting the year

Complex formats

  • (19|20)((([02468][48]|[13579][26])-0?2-29)|dd-((0?[469]|11)-([012]?d|30)|(0?[13578]|1[02])-([012]?d|3[01])|(0?2-([01]?d|2[0-8]))))

Date in the following format: YYYYMMDD like 20221211

Simple formats

  • d{4}d{2}d{2} – simple format without validating month or day
  • (19|20)d{2}d{2}d{2} – restricting the year

Complex formats

  • (19|20)dd(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]) – do not control Leap year

Date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY like 12/11/1999

Simple formats

  • d{2}/d{2}/d{4} – simple format without validating month or day
  • d{2}/d{2}/(19|20)d{2} – restricting the year

Complex formats

  • ^(?:(?:31(/|-|.)(?:0?[13578]|1[02]))1|(?:(?:29|30)(/|-|.)(?:0?[1,3-9]|1[0-2])2))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?d{2})$|^(?:29(/|-|.)0?23(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))))$|^(?:0?[1-9]|1d|2[0-8])(/|-|.)(?:(?:0?[1-9])|(?:1[0-2]))4(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]d)?d{2})$
  • ^([0]d|[1][0-2])/([0-2]d|[3][0-1])/([2][01]|[1][6-9])d{2}(s([0-1]d|[2][0-3])(:[0-5]d){1,2})?$

Date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDZ like 2019-06-12Z

Simple formats

  • d{4}-d{2}-d{2}Z – simple format without validating month or day
  • (19|20)d{2}-d{2}-d{2}Z – restricting the year

Complex formats

  • ^dddd-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])Z?(-+:([0-5][0-9]))?$

Time in the following format: HH:mm:ss like 23:59:59

Simple formats

  • d{2}:d{2}:d{2} – simple format without validating valid hours, minutes or seconds

Complex formats

  • (([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5]:[0-9])

Time in the following format: HHmm like 2359

Simple formats

  • d{2}d{2} – simple format without validating month or day

Complex formats:

  • (([01][0-9]|2[0-3])[0-5])



You can download the POC: BizTalk Schemas Handle Restrictions on Date from GitHub here:

February 14, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

February 14, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.

Microsoft Announcements and Updates


Community Blog Posts



  • Brendan Burns and Krishna Ganugapati on safeguarding workloads with Mariner
  • Microsoft’s Sarah Novotny on developing in the open and working together to drive innovation


How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure


Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

The post February 14, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS appeared first on Hooking Stuff Together.

Migrating to BizTalk Server 2020 book is available for you to order

Migrating to BizTalk Server 2020 book is available for you to order

Wow… what a 2+ years journey. Writing a book during the pandemic phase and dealing with all aspects of the book was a challenger, and for that, I have to say thank you to Tom Canter and Lex Hegt for taking this journey with me and thank you Kovai and Saravana for supporting us!

I was also surprised that the book was released today because today was also the day I got back to the office and provided a copy of the book to my team! A lucky coincidence! Thanks, Pedro Almeida and Diogo Formosinho, for the support during these last years.

And of course, I have to say thanks to the people that also make part of this book: Mandi Anez Ohlinder for writing the foreword, Steve Lemkau, and JoAnn Een for reviewing it!

Migrating to BizTalk Server 2020

This book is intended to be a valuable resource for managers, architects, developers, testers, and administrators involved in migrating BizTalk Server platforms and solutions running on previous versions toward BizTalk Server 2020. It will provide practical recipes and strategies that will help them enhance and strengthen their knowledge in this sensitive and sometimes complicated upgrade process.

This book is a “mini” bible to migrate your BizTalk Server to the last version of the product covering all most aspects of this topic:

  • Overview of BizTalk Server 2020: will provide the reader with a full overview of BizTalk Server 2020, the latest version of the product, addressing topics like what are the main components and core features, what is new, what was deprecated or removed from this version and hardware and Software requirements & supported versions as well
  • Migration Drivers (why upgrade to BizTalk Server 2020): Many companies have this idea that upgrading to newer versions of BizTalk Server can be challenging, and they tend to skip certain version upgrades to minimize the effort and the costs. This chapter aims to address and discuss the main reasons why you should migrate from the previous version of the BizTalk Server to this latest version
  • Preparing for Your Upgrade: There are specific tasks, considerations, and components standard in each platform migration, but in the end, every BizTalk Server migration is different from each other. This chapter will go thru the Evaluate, Plan, and Implement (EPI) approach, providing you a path for completing your upgrade in a controlled and timely manner, focusing on the key considerations that need to be taken into account when planning your migration
  • In-place upgrade: Despite in-place migration or BizTalk Server upgrade is not supported in all scenarios, and in most cases, not recommended in production environments. It is still a valid option. This chapter will outline the key considerations that need to be taken into account when planning an in-place migration of your BizTalk Server environment
  • Migrating to BizTalk Server 2020 (side-by-side): Side-by-side migration is probably the most common migration path used. And once we decided on this approach, we need to understand and clarify all the steps that need to be performed to migrate from your previous BizTalk Server version to BizTalk Server 2020. his chapter will discuss the steps around setting up the new platform, making you aware of challenges that come with maintaining multiple (live) environments, and providing you will all the tips and recommendations for you to migrate your BizTalk solutions peacefully and transparently. After completing this chapter, you will be aware of and understand what will be involved in a migration process and the efforts required for each component
  • Migrating to Azure: This last chapter covers the key takeaways that you need to consider before deciding to migrate or move your on-premiss BizTalk Server machines to Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). When you can and can’t move, why you should move and what will be required. While not the focus of this book, this chapter will also briefly look at the BizTalk Server solution migration process to Azure Integration Services. Highlighting what will be possible or not, the difficulties you might encounter, and some approaches they could use to make this transition as simple as possible

Where can I order the book?

For now, the book is available for you can order the book online at Shopify here:

I hope you enjoy it!

Finally, to my wife Fernanda and my children Leonor, Laura e José, my life would be empty and meaningless without all your hugs, jokes, crying to demand attention, affection, and all our other crazy things. Thanks for being part of my life.

February 7, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

February 7, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.

Microsoft Announcements and Updates


Community Blog Posts




How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure


Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

The post February 7, 2022 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS appeared first on Hooking Stuff Together.

How to Install and Configure Host Integration Server 2020 whitepaper

How to Install and Configure Host Integration Server 2020 whitepaper

At their core, mainframes are high-performance computers with large amounts of memory and processors that process billions of simple calculations and transactions in real-time. The mainframe is critical to commercial databases, transaction servers, and applications that require high resiliency, security, and agility

Microsoft Host Integration Server (HIS) technologies and tools enable enterprise organizations to integrate existing IBM host systems, programs, messages, and data with new Microsoft server applications.

HIS allows IT administrators to securely and efficiently connect new systems to existing systems using industry-standard High-Performance Routing (HPR) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) over Internet Protocol (IP). This reduces operating expenses and total cost of ownership while supporting existing and new computing workload.

HIS 2020 is available in one technology package licensed as additional software to the core editions of Microsoft BizTalk Server 2020.

This whitepaper will discuss a step-by-step guideline – how to install and configure Host Integration Server 2020 on a BizTalk Server standalone environment running Windows Server 2020.

What’s in store for you?

This whitepaper will give you a detailed understanding of the following:

  • Install Host Integration Server 2020
  • Configure Host Integration Server 2020
  • Install Host Integration Server 2020 Cumulative Updates

Where I can download it

You can download the whitepaper here:

I hope you enjoy reading this paper and any comments or suggestions are welcome.

You can also find, download and enjoy several other free whitepapers of my own here:

The post How to Install and Configure Host Integration Server 2020 whitepaper appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

How to Install and Configure Host Integration Server 2016 whitepaper

How to Install and Configure Host Integration Server 2016 whitepaper

At their core, mainframes are high-performance computers with large amounts of memory and processors that process billions of simple calculations and transactions in real-time. The mainframe is critical to commercial databases, transaction servers, and applications that require high resiliency, security, and agility

Microsoft Host Integration Server (HIS) technologies and tools enable enterprise organizations to integrate existing IBM host systems, programs, messages, and data with new Microsoft server applications.

HIS allows IT administrators to securely and efficiently connect new systems to existing systems using industry-standard High-Performance Routing (HPR) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) over Internet Protocol (IP). This reduces operating expenses and total cost of ownership while supporting existing and new computing workload.

HIS 2016 is available in one technology package licensed as additional software to the core editions of Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016.

This whitepaper will discuss a step-by-step guideline – how to install and configure Host Integration Server 2016 on a BizTalk Server standalone environment running Windows Server 2016.

What’s in store for you?

This whitepaper will give you a detailed understanding of the following:

  • Install Host Integration Server 2016
  • Configure Host Integration Server 2016
  • Install Host Integration Server 2016 Cumulative Updates

Where I can download it

You can download the whitepaper here:

I hope you enjoy reading this paper and any comments or suggestions are welcome.

You can also find, download and enjoy several other free whitepapers of my own here:

The post How to Install and Configure Host Integration Server 2016 whitepaper appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.