BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: Lord BizTalk Darth Vader

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: Lord BizTalk Darth Vader

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts – day 20. Finally, the last blog post of this season. What supposed to be 20 blog posts in 20 days has become a challenge difficult to fulfill because of the current circumstances all over the world, in which parents are working from home with their children, also studying from home. Nevertheless, I only needed the double of time (additional 22 days) to finish the initial goal.

And to finalize this season, I reserved the best for the end :). My new BizTalk Server Lord Darth Vader sticker. I wasn’t supposed to share this sticker in this way, the initial intention was to present and give it away (physical sticker) at the INTEGRATE 2020 event in London but do the circumstances and the fact that INTEGRATE 2020 will be an online event now, I decided to share here the support files for you to print it in a graphics shop if you want to have this Welcome To The Dark Side of the force sticker :).

Welcome To The Dark Side of the force

BizTalk Server was always the bad boy of integration, the one that nobody likes (but everyone admires or wish to have its skills). As a reference, the first marketing campaign produced by Microsoft, BizTalk was a T-Rex (a bad boy).

Because I’m a star wars fan, and when I decide to create this new sticker version coincided a little bit as the release of the last film, I decide to create this new Lord BizTalk Darth Vader version maintaining the bad boy concept.

Lord BizTalk Server Darth Vader sticker

This package is a collection of 3 different image formats of the new Lord BizTalk Darth Vader sticker, two of them are available in vector format that will allow you to use and resize without losing quality:

  • BizTalk-Darth-Vader.pdf
  • BizTalk-Darth-Vader-01.png

All of the
resources are in the original size ready to print in a graphics shop.

Thanks to Cristóvão Silva (Graphic & Web Designer @ DevScope) for helping me creating these resources.

I hope you enjoy!

I already have several stickers printed that I will give away in future events or ship for some of you that will organize events.

Lord BizTalk Server Darth Vader sticker

until then, stay safe and stay at home!


Lord BizTalk Darth Vader sticker

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: Lord BizTalk Darth Vader appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: XML Namespace Stripper Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: XML Namespace Stripper Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts – day 19. To finalize this topic about the BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions UtilityPack project, here another brand new component: XML Namespace Stripper Pipeline Component. I actually create this component for a need in a recent RosettaNet project.

XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component

This custom XML Namespace Stripper Pipeline Component is a pipeline component for BizTalk Server which can be used in a Send Pipeline (Encode stage) to remove all namespaces and prefix from an XML message.

Once again, the goal of this component is to clean up all namespaces and prefix present in XML outbound messages, transforming the the message from this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ns0:Pip7B1WorkInProcessNotification xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="http://Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Schemas.RNPIPs.BaseDataTypes" xmlns:ns2="">
          <ns0:CommunicationsNumber>000-111-2222 EXT 1111</ns0:CommunicationsNumber>
      <ns0:GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode>Solution Provider</ns0:GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode>
        <ns0:GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>Contract Manufacturer</ns0:GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
		<ns0:GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>Purchase Order</ns0:GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>
		<ns0:GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>Customer Batch Number</ns0:GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>

Into this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <CommunicationsNumber>000-111-2222 EXT 1111</CommunicationsNumber>
      <GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode>Solution Provider</GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode>
        <GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>Contract Manufacturer</GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
		<GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>Purchase Order</GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>
		<GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>Customer Batch Number</GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>

This component doesn’t require any configuration.

To use this pipeline component in your projects you just copy the NamespaceStripper.dll file into the Pipeline Components folder that exists in the BizTalk Server installation directory:

  • ..Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ServerPipeline Components;

on every server.

You do not need to add this custom pipeline component to be used by the BizTalk Runtime to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

What is BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack?

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack is a set of custom pipeline components (libraries) with several custom pipeline components that can be used in received and sent pipelines, which will provide an extension of BizTalk out-of-the-box pipeline capabilities.

The project is available on the BizTalk Server Open Source Community repository on GitHub (, and everyone can contribute with new pipeline components that can be extended or improve the existing BizTalk Server capabilities.

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: JSON Encoder Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

At the moment this project is available for:

  • BizTalk Server 2020;
  • BizTalk Server 2016;
  • BizTalk Server 2010;
  • BizTalk Server 2006-2009

Where to download it?

You can download BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack from GitHub here:

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: XML Namespace Stripper Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts – day 18. Another blog post about the topic and project BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions UtilityPack, but this time it is a brand new component: XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component.

XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component

This custom XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component it is basically the opposite of the XML Namespace Remover Pipeline Component. It is a pipeline component for BizTalk Server which can be used in any stage of both receive and send pipelines that allow you to add or change the namespace to inbound and outbound BizTalk Messages.

XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component

Once again, this component allow you to add a namespace to inbound and outbound BizTalk Messages, transforming the root of the message from this:


Into this:

<sample xmlns="">

Or change the existing namespace of inbound and outbound BizTalk Messages, transforming the root of the message from this:

<sample xmlns="http:/demo/">

Into this:

<sample xmlns="">

This component requires one configuration that is the TargetNamespace in which you specify the namespace you want to set on the message.

To use this pipeline component in your projects you just copy the BizTalk.PipelineComponents.NamespaceMgmt.dll file into the Pipeline Components folder that exists in the BizTalk Server installation directory:

  • ..Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ServerPipeline Components;

on every server.

You do not need to add this custom pipeline component to be used by the BizTalk Runtime to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

What is BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack?

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack is a set of custom pipeline components (libraries) with several custom pipeline components that can be used in received and sent pipelines, which will provide an extension of BizTalk out-of-the-box pipeline capabilities.

The project is available on the BizTalk Server Open Source Community repository on GitHub (, and everyone can contribute with new pipeline components that can be extended or improve the existing BizTalk Server capabilities.

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: JSON Encoder Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

At the moment this project is available for:

  • BizTalk Server 2020;
  • BizTalk Server 2016;
  • BizTalk Server 2010;
  • BizTalk Server 2006-2009

Where to download it?

You can download BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack from GitHub here:

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: XML Namespace Management Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

April 13, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

April 13, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

Integration weekly update can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.


Microsoft Announcements and Updates

Community Blog Posts






How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure


Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: JSON Encoder Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: JSON Encoder Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts – day 17. I have to confess I didn’t try yet the default JSON Encoder, but I trust this component is still useful in this new release, so today we are migrating the custom JSON Encoder component available in BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions UtilityPack project: JSON Encoder Pipeline Component.

Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component

This custom JSON Encoder Pipeline Component is a pipeline component for BizTalk Server which can be used in a Send Pipeline (Encode stage) to encode any XML message into a JSON equivalent in a simple and effective way. It is also 100% compatible with the default JSON Encoder component provided by Microsoft.

JSON Encoder Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

This component will allow you to choose between using the default pipeline component provide by Microsoft, at least the internal behavior because I build this pipeline component as an extension of the default JSON Encoder pipeline component, or use the custom behavior that I created. So, from the BizTalk Administration console you will be able to decide if:

  • You want to use
    the behavior of the default JSON Encoder pipeline component provide by
    Microsoft by setting the UseCustomEncoder property to False;
BizTalk Server Custom JSON Encoder pipeline component use custom behavior
  • or use the custom
    behavior to generate the JSON message by setting the UseCustomEncoder property
    to True;

To use this pipeline component in your projects you just copy the CustomJSONEncoder.dll file into the Pipeline Components folder that exists in the BizTalk Server installation directory:

  • ..Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ServerPipeline Components;

on every server.

You do not need to add this custom pipeline component to be used by the BizTalk Runtime to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

What is BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack?

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack is a set of custom pipeline components (libraries) with several custom pipeline components that can be used in received and sent pipelines, which will provide an extension of BizTalk out-of-the-box pipeline capabilities.

The project is available on the BizTalk Server Open Source Community repository on GitHub (, and everyone can contribute with new pipeline components that can be extended or improve the existing BizTalk Server capabilities.

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: JSON Encoder Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

At the moment this project is available for:

  • BizTalk Server 2020;
  • BizTalk Server 2016;
  • BizTalk Server 2010;
  • BizTalk Server 2006-2009

Where to download it?

You can download BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack from GitHub here:

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: JSON Encoder Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts – day 16. We are almost finishing migrating all the BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions UtilityPack project, today is the component: Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component.

Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component

The Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component is a pipeline component for BizTalk Server which can be used in a send pipeline and is intended to carry forward the received custom SOAP Header to the outgoing message, in other words:

  • This component will read the Custom SOAPHeader from the Message Context Properties
    • The custom header name will be defined on the component configuration and we can read it from the target
  • and will configure this custom header in the OutboundCustomHeaders property used by the WCF-BasicHTTP Adapter.

The OutboundCustomHeaders property is used if you want to specify the custom SOAP headers for outgoing messages. When this property is used, the property must have the <headers> element as the root element. All of the custom SOAP headers must be placed inside the <headers> element

  • If the custom SOAP header value is an empty string, you must assign <headers></headers> or <headers/> to this property.

This component is useful if you are implementing CBR operations on legacy service (SOAP – .asmx) using the new WCF-Adapters in BizTalk Server. Notice that the SOAP adapters, still present in BizTalk Server 2020, are obsolete and discontinued.

Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component

This component requires one configuration that is the SOAPHeaderName where you should specify the SOAP Header name present in the inbound message to be passed to the OutboundCustomHeaders in the outgoing message.

To use this pipeline component in your projects you just copy the CarrySOAPHeader.dll file into the Pipeline Components folder that exists in the BizTalk Server installation directory:

  • ..Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ServerPipeline Components;

on every server.

You do not need to add this custom pipeline component to be used by the BizTalk Runtime to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

What is BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack?

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack is a set of custom pipeline components (libraries) with several custom pipeline components that can be used in received and sent pipelines, which will provide an extension of BizTalk out-of-the-box pipeline capabilities.

The project is available on the BizTalk Server Open Source Community repository on GitHub (, and everyone can contribute with new pipeline components that can be extended or improve the existing BizTalk Server capabilities.

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

At the moment this project is available for:

  • BizTalk Server 2020;
  • BizTalk Server 2016;
  • BizTalk Server 2010;
  • BizTalk Server 2006-2009

Where to download it?

You can download BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack from GitHub here:

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: Carry SOAPHeader To WCF-BasicHttp Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

Webinar Spoiler: BizTalk Server 2020 Unwrapped!

Webinar Spoiler: BizTalk Server 2020 Unwrapped!

The COVID-19 pandemic has enforced many of us to work from home. For almost all of us, this is the first time we are experiencing working from home culture, since this is a new circumstance and being productive and just staying quiet in these situations, is not always easy. Let’s hope everything comes under control soon and we will be back to our normal life.

Back in January, Microsoft announced the general public availability of BizTalk Server 2020, a new and most expected version by the BizTalk community. In this version, Microsoft offers many features and enhancements that are beneficial for BizTalk developers, business users and support engineers to carry out a smooth transaction of their business. So, we have decided to organize a webinar to showcase the most appealing new features and enhancements.

Why Attend this Webinar?

The webinar will be hosted by two of our senior Product Consultants, who have years of experience in the area of BizTalk Server and BizTalk360. We have designed the webinar to help you understand the new concepts, how to work on with thorough demos, and to provide you with much-needed answers and assistance. In fact, this webinar should leave you feeling excited, connected and knowing all the new concepts in BizTalk Server 2020.

Date: Thursday, 23rd of April

Time: 10 AM – 11 AM BST

This time we are thrilled to interview Microsoft Senior Premier Field Engineer – Samuel Kastberg, to share his insights about BizTalk Server 2020 in the webinar.

Join us and discover:

  1. What are the newly supported platforms by BizTalk Server 2020?
  2. Which are the new features and enhancements and how are they beneficial for different business users?
  3. Availability of new hybrid adapters
  4. What is there in Security and auditing perspective?
  5. BizTalk360 support for BizTalk Server 2020

Save your Slot

Do you want to join us at the webinar on April 23rd? It is easiest to just add the webinar to your calendar. Just click here to register and leave your details. Shortly we will send you the confirmation mail.

Also, if you think you cannot attend the webinar at the specified time, no worries! Go ahead and register, our team will make sure to send you the webinar recording.

We are super excited about this webinar and eagerly looking forward to your presence and make sure to spread the word!

Here is a short clip highlighting the spoilers for this webinar.

The post Webinar Spoiler: BizTalk Server 2020 Unwrapped! appeared first on BizTalk360.

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: CBR IDoc Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: CBR IDoc Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts – day 15. Continuing the BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions UtilityPack project topic, today I released the: CBR IDoc Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component.

CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component

The CBR IDoc Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component is a pipeline component for BizTalk Server which can be used in send pipelines, Encode stage, to promote IDOC Operation property. This component is useful to implement a pure Content-Based Routing solution to integrate with SAP Server.

This component requires one configuration that is the MessageType string to be ignored. Then it will take the last string (word) from the MessageType Message Context Property and promote it to the Operation Message Context Property.

CBR IDoc Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

To use this pipeline component in your projects you just copy the CBRIdocOperationPromotionDecode.dll file into the Pipeline Components folder that exists in the BizTalk Server installation directory:

  • ..Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ServerPipeline Components;

on every server.

You do not need to add this custom pipeline component to be used by the BizTalk Runtime to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

What is BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack?

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack is a set of custom pipeline components (libraries) with several custom pipeline components that can be used in received and sent pipelines, which will provide an extension of BizTalk out-of-the-box pipeline capabilities.

The project is available on the BizTalk Server Open Source Community repository on GitHub (, and everyone can contribute with new pipeline components that can be extended or improve the existing BizTalk Server capabilities.

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: CBR IDoc Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

At the moment this project is available for:

  • BizTalk Server 2020;
  • BizTalk Server 2016;
  • BizTalk Server 2010;
  • BizTalk Server 2006-2009

Where to download it?

You can download BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack from GitHub here:

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: CBR IDoc Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts – day 14. Continuing the BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions UtilityPack project topic, today I released the: CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component.

CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component

The CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component is a pipeline component for BizTalk Server which can be used in send pipelines, Encode stage, to promote Operation property. This component is useful to implement a pure Content-Based Routing solution to integrate with SQL Server.

The component will promote Operation property by taking the value (word) which lies ahead of the cardinal (#) from the MessageType message context property and promote it to the Operation Message Context Property.

CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component

This component doesn’t require any configuration.

To use this pipeline component in your projects you just copy the CBROperationPromotionDecode.dll file into the Pipeline Components folder that exists in the BizTalk Server installation directory:

  • ..Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ServerPipeline Components;

on every server.

You do not need to add this custom pipeline component to be used by the BizTalk Runtime to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

What is BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack?

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack is a set of custom pipeline components (libraries) with several custom pipeline components that can be used in received and sent pipelines, which will provide an extension of BizTalk out-of-the-box pipeline capabilities.

The project is available on the BizTalk Server Open Source Community repository on GitHub (, and everyone can contribute with new pipeline components that can be extended or improve the existing BizTalk Server capabilities.

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: XCBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020

At the moment this project is available for:

  • BizTalk Server 2020;
  • BizTalk Server 2016;
  • BizTalk Server 2010;
  • BizTalk Server 2006-2009

Where to download it?

You can download BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack from GitHub here:

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – 20 days, 20 posts: CBR Operation Promotion Encode Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2020 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Server 2020 – Analytics Features

BizTalk Server 2020 – Analytics Features

In the last couple of months, we have brought several blog posts about BizTalk Server 2020. In today’s blog post about the BizTalk Server 2020 features, we will have a look at the Analytics features.

In the “What’s New in BizTalk Server 2020” article, which has been published by Microsoft during the release of the product, under Analytics they mention “Leveraging the power of Azure (Application Insight and Event Hub) for deep data storage and Power BI for reporting and viewing of data”.

To be able to leverage the power of Azure, BizTalk Server 2020 can push different kinds of data to Application Insights, Event Hubs and/or Power BI. As it depends on what kind of data can be pushed to the different Azure storages, let’s have a look at the business-wise possibilities of pushing BizTalk data to Azure. A few possibilities would be:

  • Analyze processed data and execute advanced queries
  • Collect BizTalk metrics for data processing
  • Get visual representations of tracked data

Let’s have a bit more detailed look at each of these scenarios.

Analyze Processed Data and Execute Advanced Queries

With this, you will be able to get all kinds of interesting data about what all becomes processed through your BizTalk environment. Think of statistics around the number of processed messages per port or schema. But it does not end there, as you can also track your promoted properties, you will also be able to get statistics around business entities! Besides querying for such a date, you can also create charts based on the same data.



To get this to work, the following prerequisites apply:

  • In Azure: An Application Insights instance to which the data will be pushed (the Instrumentation key is used for authentication)
  • In BizTalk: Analytics must be enabled and configured at the Group level
  • In BizTalk: In at least one receive/send port or an orchestration, Analytics must have been enabled (don’t forget to restart your Tracking Host)

Documentation on how to set this up can be found here. A much more detailed blog on this topic can be found here.

Collect BizTalk Metrics for Data Processing

Instead of pushing your BizTalk data to Application Insights, you can also push the data to an Event Hub. This enables you to stream the Event Hub data to Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage. This enables you to focus on processing the streamed data, rather than on capturing it.

Alternatively, you could use the new Event Hub adapter to retrieve the tracked data back from the Event Hub and use it for your own purposes. You could think of storing the data in a separate database and use it for reporting or analytic purposes. An advantage of this approach is that you could keep the size of your tracking database limited, while still being able to access the data (via a separate database).

To be able to push tracked data to Event Hubs, the prerequisites are:

  • In Azure: You need an Azure Event Hub namespace and Event Hub. A SAS (namespace-level) or Event Hub-level policy is used to authenticate
  • In BizTalk: Analytics must be enabled and configured at the Group level
  • In BizTalk: In at least one receive/send port or an orchestration, Analytics must have been enabled (don’t forget to restart your Tracking Host)

If you need help to set this up, you can refer to this article.

Get Visual Representations of Tracked Data

You can also push your tracked data to Power BI. By doing so, you can access your operational BizTalk data anywhere and on any device. Your operational data can consist of the following categories:

‘regular’ BizTalk data

  • Application data
  • Instance information
  • Messages
  • Subscriptions
  • Tracked Events

BizTalk EDI data

  • AS2 Status Records
  • Batching information
  • Interchange Aggregations Records
  • Interchange Status Records
  • Transaction reports
  • Transaction sets

After the installation of the prerequisites, you will be able to access the data in Power BI and create dashboards that are based on your operational BizTalk data.

BizTalk Server 2020 contains a pre-defined Power BI template that shows out-of-the-box graphs and charts.

See below for an example of how this looks like.


Besides sticking with the pre-defined template, you have abilities like checking data in tabular form (including drill-down), change chart types, select measures and dimensions, and so on.

To be able to access your BizTalk operational data in Power BI, the following prerequisites must have been met:

More information about this can be found at Microsoft Docs. Read about Power BI at its web site.

If you want to read more on how you can set up Power BI to access your BizTalk operational data, check Sandro’s whitepaper.

More Resources on BizTalk Server 2020

Besides the blog posts, we are bringing much more content about BizTalk Server 2020. Check below resources to learn more about these community initiatives:

BizTalk Server 2020 landing page

To start with, you can visit our BizTalk Server 2020 landing page, which not just contains links to articles from ourselves but also from Microsoft and community members all about BizTalk Server 2020! We are frequently revisiting that page ourselves to make sure that it contains the most accurate and useful articles for you.

Whitepapers and e-books

We are in the progress of updating the current set of whitepapers and e-books about earlier versions of the BizTalk Server. Think of papers about installation and configuration of BizTalk Server, and so on. Current and updated papers can be found here.

BizTalk Server 2020 Webinar on April 23rd

In a couple of weeks, we will be hosting a webinar dedicated to BizTalk Server 2020. If you want to more about it, check this link. 

Integration Monday session by Tom Canter

In February, Tom did a session in which he explained the new features in BizTalk Server 2020. You can view the recording of his session on this page.

New LinkedIn group: BizTalk Server (verified)

On LinkedIn, we have initiated a new group that focusses on BizTalk Server. There, we share hand-picked content about BizTalk Server. To be able to join that group, it is important that you are currently working with BizTalk Server. Submitting your interest in being part of that group is required, as that also enables us to keep recruiters away from the group. Do you want to participate? Enter the form here: LinkedIn Group Access.


Since the release of BizTalk Server 2020, over the last couple of months, we have brought several articles about the latest release of BizTalk Server. Besides this new blog post, we are planning to bring even more posts. So, be sure to visit our blog regularly, as you might find more relevant articles for you.

The post BizTalk Server 2020 – Analytics Features appeared first on BizTalk360.