BizTalk360 V9.0.3 New Features and Enhancements Summary

BizTalk360 V9.0.3 New Features and Enhancements Summary

It’s time to upgrade your BizTalk360 installation! We are here with our next release of BizTalk360 V.9.0.3. 

A brief summary of new features we introduced in V9.0.3

Database Size Monitoring

Database Size monitoring helps to monitor the Data and log file size of the BizTalk and BizTalk360 databases, by simply configuring the error and warning threshold values for the database and log file sizes.

Below are the BizTalk databases that can be monitor using BizTalk360:

  • BizTalkDTADb
  • BizTalkMgmtDb
  • BizTalkMsgBoxDb
  • BizTalkRuleEngineDb
  • BAM databases (BAMPrimaryImport, BAMAlertsApplication, BAMArchive, BAMStarSchema)


Analytics Custom Widget Reporting

By using the BizTalk360 Reporting Custom widget, you can retrieve performance metrics of the BizTalk environment such as Messaging Performance, Message Transmission failure rate, Server performance, etc., as a report. Based on the configured schedule you can receive that report in your email box.


Configurable Polling interval for monitoring

By default, the BizTalk360 monitoring service checks the status of all configured artifacts every 1 min. However, BizTalk360 provides an option for the user to configure the polling interval. Based on the configured polling interval, the monitoring service will determine the monitor status of the endpoints.

Migration Scenario – After migration, the default polling interval 1 min will be set to all the Endpoints. This can be modified as per your requirements.


SQL Server Cluster Monitoring

we extend our support to monitor the SQL Server cluster. Cluster SQL Server can be monitored by configuring the SQL Server Network name. BizTalk360 will start monitoring the currently active node. In case of a failover, BizTalk360 will automatically take the active server for monitoring.

The following resources can be monitored by configuring the SQL Server:

  • CPU & Memory
  • NT Services
  • Disks (available disk space)
  • Event Logs


Subscriptions (Message Box)

In addition, to retrieve the service instance and message details, BizTalk360 allows users to execute queries to retrieve the details of the subscription from the message box database. The subscription details such as Name, Service Name, state, subscription type, service instance id will be retrieved on message box query execution.


Look at this blog article to see the benefits of the above features in detail.

Let’s jump into the feature improvements in detail

SQL Authentication Support

BizTalk360 allows users to view and monitor the SQL Query results by using Secure SQL Query and database query monitoring functionality. In Which BizTalk360 executes the Query by connecting to the server against windows system users (using windows authentication mode).

But shared server can have multiple users having access to different instances and Databases. So, to support this, we have improved these functionalities by supporting SQL Authentication mode, With this user can connect to the database with the relevant user credentials.  From this version on, you can also query your Azure databases.


Dashboard Improvements

The dashboard is one of the key functionalities where customers would be using more often on a day-day basis. So, we have considered improving the dashboard frequently based on customer feedback.

BizTalk360 Monitoring Dashboard improvements

  1. Indication of alarm status (Enabled/Disabled)
  2. Number of Alerts Notified (2/3)
  3. The artifacts from the collapsed view are now clickable to route to the respective mapping section


BizTalk Group Dashboard improvements

BizTalk group dashboard in BizTalk360 gives the consolidated view of all the artifacts mapped to all the alarms in an environment.

From this version on, we allow the user to configure the BizTalk group dashboard based on their needs. Users can choose the artifacts types (Application, Servers, Queues, Folder Monitoring, etc . ) that they want to look into the dashboard. So that BizTalk360 monitoring service will fetch the status of only the chosen artifacts type on every cycle, rather looking for all the artifacts. In this way, we have improved the performance of the monitoring service. Also, you can Enable or Disable the BizTalk Group dashboard at any point in time.

Migration Scenario – After migration, the BizTalk Group Dashboard will be in enable mode, with all the artifacts type chosen. After which you can reconfigure this as per your requirement.


Tracking (DTA) Performance Data Collection Optimisation

In the earlier version, Users can enable tracking data collection for various metrics type, say  Failure/Success rate for Port, Schema, Messaging Performance for the port , schema, orchestration, etc, where BizTalk360 will start collecting data for all the metrics of the selected type. From this version on, to improve the performance, we allow users to choose the relevant DTA metrics, which will reduce the number of calls to the DTA database.

Users can choose the DTA metrics at the environment level in a well-ordered tree view diagram.

Migration Scenario –If you enabled Tracking (DTA) Performance Data Collection then after migration all DTA metrics under the selected type will be enabled. This can be modified as per your requirements.


Logic App

With the rise of Hybrid integration solutions, the job of BizTalk administrators has extended to the (Azure) cloud. BizTalk360 helps these administrators by providing operational and monitoring support for Logic Apps and  API Apps, thereby admin need not check the Azure portal to know the health of these services,  where they can easily operate and monitor from BizTalk360.

However, in the earlier version of BizTalk360, we allow all the users to manage all the LogicApps there is no access restriction. We have improved this in this release where admin can define which user can manage (enable, disable, delete, trigger) the Logic Apps based on the role.

In addition to this, we have introduced the filter option to filter the logic apps under different subscriptions.

Quick Alarm

With the quick alarm, you can select the application artifacts that you want to monitor, BizTalk360 will automatically map that artifacts for monitoring.


Notification Channel

Now you can define the error type i.e. only error & warning or error/warning/healthy of the artifacts to get notified in the notification channels(slack, Service Now, Webhook).


Place Holder Encryption

Place holders can be used in the custom widgets. To tighten the security now all the placeholder values configured in custom widgets will get encrypted. For the existing placeholder, values will get encrypted automatically once you upgraded to the latest version.

Service Instance operations 

From this version on, we allow the user to enter the reason in the comment section (optional) for all the service instance operations (Resume/Suspend/Terminate). The same will get audited for reference.


All the file mask patterns supported in BizTalk server will now support in BizTalk360


Considering the feedback from our customers, BizTalk360 will continue to provide more useful features.

Why not give BizTalk360 a try! It takes only 10 minutes to install on your BizTalk environments and you can witness and check the security and productivity of your own BizTalk Environments. 


The post BizTalk360 V9.0.3 New Features and Enhancements Summary appeared first on BizTalk360.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019

Christmas is about spending time with family and friends. It’s about creating happy memories that will last a lifetime, and it is, without a doubt, my favorite holiday season.

And once again, my sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers, friends, coworkers (amazing guys at DevScope), Microsoft BizTalk Community, all the Portuguese Communities, my MVP “family” and of course to my beautiful family.

Thanks in advance for all the support and encouragement given throughout another year. It was, once again, an incredible year for me, on both a personal and professional level, and hope that the next will be a year filled with new challenges, I promise that I will continue to share knowledge hoping that they can help someone.

May this festive season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may the new year be made of great happiness. Merry Christmas to you and your entire family and a happy new year!

The post Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

Christmas Gift: BizTalk Server 2016: End-to-end scenario – Receiving Messages through the HTTP Adapter whitepaper

Christmas Gift: BizTalk Server 2016: End-to-end scenario – Receiving Messages through the HTTP Adapter whitepaper

And you thought there was no Santa Claus? I couldn’t
take this opportunity and this time of year to once again give back to the
community what they have also done for me: grow up together in several aspects.

So, this year with the fantastic help as always of BizTalk360 team, my partner in many adventures during these years and the sponsor of my blog, we end up writing, revising and editing in a short period (5 days) another BizTalk Server whitepaper to be completed before Christmas: BizTalk Server 2016: End-to-end scenario – Receiving Messages through the HTTP Adapter whitepaper.

BizTalk Server 2016: End-to-end scenario – Receiving Messages through the HTTP Adapter whitepaper

The role of an adapter is to enable communications
between BizTalk Server and external systems and trading partners. Users
configure adapters by creating send ports and receive locations that define the
properties for given instances of the adapter. Most adapters support both send
and receive operations, whereas other adapters support communication in only
one direction.

The HTTP Adapter is one of the adapters that support
two-way communications, but unlike other adapters, this adapter has two
characteristics that define it:

  • The HTTP
    “Receive” Adapter that is responsible for delivering messages to BizTalk is, in
    fact, a DLL that runs inside Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • And for that
    reason, it must be configured in IIS – it is not there out-of-the-box.

In this whitepaper, we will describe the step-by-step process of installing and configuring the HTTP Adapter in order to receive messages.

Some of you may think that the HTTP adapter is deprecated,
but that is not true. The only adapters that were deprecated were the old SAP
adapter (removed) and the SOAP and SQL adapter (that still are present in the
Administration Console). The HTTP adapter is a classic but is not deprecated
and is still very used today.

The idea for
this whitepaper was partly out of a real need and at a customer request.
Because it is a strange adapter with a peculiar configuration unlike any other
adapter in BizTalk Server, when I was giving a training course, the attendees
struggle to understand and put it working correctly. By coincidence, a week
later, I needed to put this adapter working at another client.  As a result of that request and that client’s
need, I end up creating this step-by-step guide on how to install and configure
the HTTP adapter to receive messages through HTTP requests. I think this is a
good whitepaper about a classic adapter in BizTalk Server.

I hope you like
it and marry Christmas!

Where I can download it

You can download the whitepaper here:

You can also find, download and enjoy several other
free whitepapers of my own here:

The post Christmas Gift: BizTalk Server 2016: End-to-end scenario – Receiving Messages through the HTTP Adapter whitepaper appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Filter Finder Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2

BizTalk Filter Finder Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2

Recently my team and I developed and released several tools that extend the out-of-box capabilities of BizTalk Server 2016 for developer and administration teams to be more productive, saving times in some simple but time-consuming tasks that should d supposed to be. One of these tools was BizTalk Filter Finder Tool.

Because many clients still are using BizTalk Server 2013 R2, and because I had received some requests from the community, I will be releasing these tools for BizTalk Server 2013 R2 also. And today, we will stat with the BizTalk Filter Finder Tool.

BizTalk Filter Finder Tool

BizTalk Filter Finder Tool is a simple tool that aims to simplify the process for better understand and maintain solutions based on content-based routing. By allowing you to have a quick overview of all the artifacts, send ports or orchestrations that have filters associated.

BizTalk Filter Finder Tool

This tool will extend default BizTalk Server capabilities transforming this tedious and sometimes complicate analyze a little simple, easy, and fast.

It way not be a fantastic tool; it may not be beautiful, but for me is a timesaver tool.

Credits also to my team member at DevScope, Pedro Almeida that collaborated with me in the development of this tool.


You can download BizTalk Filter Finder Tool from:
BizTalk Filter Finder ToolBizTalk Filter Finder Tool

The post BizTalk Filter Finder Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

Effective Usage of Secure SQL Queries Feature in BizTalk360

Effective Usage of Secure SQL Queries Feature in BizTalk360

In this blog, we will take a detail look about the feature Secure SQL Queries which is available in BizTalk360 and we shall look how effectively it can be used in by the BizTalkies and what are all the things we can achieve by having this feature and how we made this feature so reliable for you.

Secure SQL Queries

Secure SQL Queries is a secure platform to store predefined queries and provide access to BizTalk members to execute the queries. BizTalk360, by default, comes pre-loaded with a set of queries and allows the users (with permissions) to build secure SQL queries that are more appropriate to the organization’s business.

Reliability of Secure SQL Queries

BizTalk Support members will typically have a bunch of standard SQL queries they run on a regular basis to get some reporting on BizTalk databases. Each individual team member will have their own set of SQL queries and they manage it on their local machines. Which will basically result in two things, useful reporting queries are not shared between team members and maintaining the queries in SQL files and accessing different files for the different environment is not productive.

BizTalk360 allows you to save the SQL queries so that the queries can be saved under a centralized area and available for access to all the BizTalk members.

SQL queries are used for fetching the report from the BizTalk Database where admins are concerned to provide full access as it may have confidential information and interested to give privilege only for the authenticated BizTalk members. This can be handled by using the User Access Policy feature in BizTalk360 which allows to create a user and provide the permission for the saved Secure SQL Queries (only the enabled query will be listed for the users). Permission can be provided for the Secure SQL Queries as follows Add Query, Edit & Execute Query, Edit and Save query, Delete Query and Export Query.


At any point in time, there may be a chance of data loss or change may happen in the queries. To handle this sort of situation BizTalk360 provides you the feature Governance & Audit for Secure SQL Queries. If any operation like Create, Edit, Delete is performed against the Secure SQL Queries will be captured in the BizTalk360’s Governance & Audit section. So that we can find the details of the operation performed through the feature Governance & Audit for Secure SQL Queries.

Functionalities of Secure SQL Queries

In BizTalk360, you can query against the table’s data. Based on the customer’s requirement it allows you to store and execute the stored procedures.

In real-time when more users are involved, or remote connections are being established with the SQL Server, SQL authentication can be used.  In shared servers where different users should have access to different databases and when a client connects to an instance of SQL Server on another computer than the one on which the client is running, in that case, SQL Server authentication is needed. Such user can select the Authentication Mode as SQL Authentication so that the user name and password can be provided, and the query can be saved and executed

Using the SQL Authentication Mode, you can get connected to the Azure Database by providing the Azure Database’s instance name, username, password for saving the queries.


Let’s glimpse on Secure SQL Queries in BizTalk360

Secure SQL Queries is implemented in the Operation, Monitoring, and Analytics section. Since most of our customers use this feature widely.

Secure SQL Queries in Operation

BizTalk360 comes with a pre-loaded set of queries. The users can choose one of these pre-loaded queries from the drop-down list. When the item is selected from the drop-down, the query automatically executes, and the result is displayed in the Query Results pane. It allows users to define and add/edit/delete your own queries. In which you can execute the query to check for the results.

Secure SQL Queries in Monitoring

You can monitor the Database Query results by configuring the query which returns the scalar value. If there is any deviation in the query results, then BizTalk360 will trigger an alert notification.

Secure SQL Queries in Analytics

The BizTalk360 Reporting feature includes a widget called Secure SQL Queries, where you can map the existing Secure SQL Queries to such custom widgets. The custom SQL widgets hold the top 100 records of the mapped query and send that as a report on the scheduled time. This feature can be powerful as it enables you to automatically receive reports based on SQL queries, without the need to requesting it manually over and over again!

Performance impact

BizTalk databases can grow extremely bigger. It’s not uncommon to have over 1 million records in certain tables (ex: MessageInOut table in Tracking Database). Executing some queries like just a plain “SELECT * ..” on those tables without any query optimization or locks can have serious performance impact during business hours. Always try to write the query which returns the selective results.

Secure SQL Queries are designed to allow the users to execute only the ‘Select’ statement for queries and Execute command for Stored procedures. This will ensure the reliability of the data in the BizTalk Server and other databases.

Say, for instance, there may be a chance that the normal/a superuser runs a DELETE/TRUNCATE/DROP/UPDATE/INSERT commands through the secure SQL queries in BizTalk360. The above-mentioned commands are restricted by design to avoid data loss and secure the data.

Benefits of having Secure SQL Queries

  • Single management tool for users to execute the queries
  • No need for SQL Server Management Studio
  • Central Query Repository – maintaining queries is much easier
  • The end-users need not have direct access to the SQL database
  • The queries will be executed in the context of the service account, therefore only the service account requires access
  • Queries can be executed against any SQL instance/database


We are constantly improving on the features based on feedback in the customer forum. BizTalk360 will continue to provide more useful features in every release. Why not give BizTalk360 a try!

The post Effective Usage of Secure SQL Queries Feature in BizTalk360 appeared first on BizTalk360.

December 23, 2019 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

December 23, 2019 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

Integration weekly update can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.

Microsoft Announcements and Updates


Community Blog Posts




How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure


Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2

BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2

Recently my team and I developed and released several tools that extend the out-of-box capabilities of BizTalk Server 2016 for developer and administration teams to be more productive, saving times in some simple but time-consuming tasks that should d supposed to be. One of these tools was BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool.

Because many clients still are using BizTalk Server 2013 R2, and because I had received some requests from the community, I will be releasing these tools for BizTalk Server 2013 R2 also. And today, we will stat with the BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool.

BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool

BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool is a simple tool that aims to simplify the port “cloning” process by allowing you to quickly “clone or duplicate” any existing port: Receive Port or Send Port.

  • Send Ports are quite easy to archive, you only need to give a different name to the port, and you can clone it;
Devscope BizTalk Port Multiplier tool Send Ports
  • Receive Ports are tricky because they may contain several Receive Locations and each URI needs to be unique;
Devscope BizTalk Port Multiplier tool

This tool will extend default BizTalk Server capabilities transforming the tedious and sometimes complicate port creation based on an existing one a little simple and easy allowing you to:

  • Create a new Receive Port based on an existing one;
    • It will also export the binding file from that new Receive Port;
  • Create a new Send Port based on an existing one;
    • It will also export the binding file from that new Send Port;
  • Generate different binding files for each environment

Why do I need to “clone” a Receive Port?

Sometimes you also need to create a receive port with similar configurations of an existing one, also changing only a few settings or simple the URI, and instead of manually recreating, you can have 90% of the process done automatically.

Sometimes it is practical, occasionally, or in some scenarios, it may not work, but in most cases, it will. So it is a best-effort operation and not an exact clone because they may have several Receive Locations, and each Address/URI needs to be unique. So, you then need to go to each receive location and reconfigure them.


Credits also to my team member at DevScope, Pedro Almeida that collaborated in the development of this tool.


You can download BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool from:
BizTalk Port Multiplier ToolBizTalk Port Multiplier Tool

The post BizTalk Port Multiplier Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2

BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2

Recently my team and I developed and released several tools that extend the out-of-box capabilities of BizTalk Server 2016 for developer and administration teams to be more productive, saving times in some simple but time-consuming tasks that should d supposed to be. One of these tools was BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool.

Because many clients still are using BizTalk Server 2013 R2, and because I had received some requests from the community, I will be releasing these tools for BizTalk Server 2013 R2 also. And today, we will stat with the BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool

BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool

BizTalk Binding Exporter Tool is a simple tool that will suppress the absence of advanced binding file generation capabilities in the BizTalk Server Administration Console, allowing you to generate and export a binding file from BizTalk Applications in an intuitive and easy way.

Exporting a BizTalk Server Application binding is, at first sight, a quick and straightforward task that can be done using the BizTalk Server Administration Console:

  • Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft BizTalk Server 20xx, and then click BizTalk Server Administration
  • In the console tree, expand BizTalk Server Administration, expand the BizTalk Group, and then expand Applications
  • Right-click the application whose bindings you want to export, point to Export, and then click Bindings…
  • On the Export Bindings page, in Export to file, type the absolute path of the .xml file to which to export the bindings
  • Ensure that Export all bindings from the current application option is selected, and then click OK

But even in simple tasks, we may encounter challenges that require us to perform some monotonous and boring manual operations that consume some of our precious time and are always subject to failures. Because out-of-the-box BizTalk Administration Console doesn’t allow you to:

  • Export a Binding file of a specif Receive Port or list of Receive Ports;
  • Export a Binding file of a specif Send Port or list of Send Ports;
  • Export a Binding file of a specif Assembly or list of Assemblies;

And these are just a few scenarios. You can only fully Export the binding files of an entire application, which will lead you to sometimes extensive and fallible manual work to clean the binding files.

Usually, the binding exportation starts in development. Still, we also need to generate the same bindings for other environments like production, and for that, we usually need to open the binding file and replace/fix the differences for each different environment… which usually is a tedious operation. What we need to replace is mainly:

  • the URI’s: it should be fixed, but it is not mandatory. If you know what you are doing, you can fix them directly on the environment after you import the Binding.
  • the host instances: not mandatory, if you have the same host and host instances names across all your different environments (as best practices will tell you to do).
  • the NT Group Name associated in the Services (Orchestrations): according to securities best practices you shouldn’t use the same BizTalk Groups in different environments, so in this case, if you follow these best practices, you need to change these parameters in your binding file.

Normally, everyone changes the URI’s but neglecting the other parameters may be causing problems during the Binding import.

Once again, this tool will extend default BizTalk Server capabilities transforming the tedious and sometimes complicate binding generation a little simple and easy.

DevScope BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool

You just need to specify the connection string to the BizTalk Management database (BizTalkMgmtDb)

DevScope BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool

And this tool allows you to generate and export binding files with the following capabilities:

  • Export binding(s) file(s) for an entire Application or a list of Applications;
  • Export binding(s) file(s) from a specify Assembly or list of Assemblies;
  • Export binding(s) file(s) from a Receive Port or list of Receive Ports;
  • Export binding(s) file(s) from a Send Port or list of Send Ports;
  • Or Generate different binding files for each environment if you create an Excel File with the mapping for each environment ;

Credits also to my team member at DevScope, Pedro Almeida that collaborated in the development of this tool.


You can download BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool from:
BizTalk Bindings Exporter ToolBizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool

The post BizTalk Bindings Exporter Tool for BizTalk Server 2013 R2 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: SQL Server Polling Debatch Message By Grouping Filter Pipeline Component

BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack: SQL Server Polling Debatch Message By Grouping Filter Pipeline Component

The BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack community project for BizTalk Server 2016, once again, got a new update! It now has a new component that you can use in your custom BizTalk Server pipelines: SQL Server Polling Debatch Message By Grouping Filter Pipeline Component.

Debatching messages, which are received from WCF-SQL Adapter, is quite a simple task to do. You need to:

  • Specify that the message has an envelope by setting the Envelope property to Yes

  • Specify the Body XPath property

  • And finally, set the Max Occurs property to 1

Next, the default XMLReceive pipeline will do the rest. However, what happens if you want to extend and customize this behavior? In my case, let’s imagine I have the following row samples:







Sandro Pereira


Team Lead



Pedro Almeida


Senior Developer



Rui Romano


Team Lead



João Sousa


Team Lead



Joana Barbosa


BI Architect


We will poll all the data from the SQL Database (not all, but let’s say the first 20 lines), and we want to split or debatch the incoming message based on the value of the MsgIdentifier property. So, after passing the receive pipeline, we will get, based on the previous example, 3 different messages:


The main question is: How do we handle scenarios where debatching is done based on business logic?

The answer is that we don’t have anything out-of-the-box that allows us to do these kinds of tasks. Most of you will think about debatching these kinds of messages inside an orchestration.

However, the best way for us to achieve this goal is to develop a custom Disassemble pipeline component.

SQL Server Polling Debatch Message By Grouping Filter Pipeline Component

The reason for choosing the Disassemble stage is simple; it is here that normally the process of breaking up a large interchange message into smaller messages happens, by removing the Envelopes, which is often called “debatching”. So, this should indeed be the place for us to create our custom Disassemble pipeline component.

The SQL Server Polling Debatch Message By Grouping Filter pipeline component is a custom disassemble pipeline component that can be used to debatch incoming messages from the WCF-SQL adapter, by filtering from a specific element of the message. It will provide the following capabilities:

  • It allows you to define the grouping element
    • This will be an integer that will define the position of the element inside the message after the source code

Note: This custom pipeline component can be used with other LOB adapters but it was never tested before.

public void Disassemble(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext pc, Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage inmsg)
    string originalDataString;

        //fetch original message
        Stream originalMessageStream = inmsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();
        byte[] bufferOriginalMessage = new byte[originalMessageStream.Length];
        originalMessageStream.Read(bufferOriginalMessage, 0, Convert.ToInt32(originalMessageStream.Length));
        originalDataString = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(bufferOriginalMessage);
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new ApplicationException("Error in reading original message: " + ex.Message);

    XmlDocument originalMessageDoc = new XmlDocument();
    StringBuilder messageString;
    string msgBatchId = string.Empty;

        //load original message
        //fetch namespace and root element
        string namespaceURI = originalMessageDoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI;
        string rootElement = originalMessageDoc.DocumentElement.Name;

        //start batching messages
        messageString = new StringBuilder();
        messageString.Append("<" + rootElement + " xmlns:ns0='" + namespaceURI + "'>");
        string rowId = string.Empty;

        foreach (XmlNode childNode in originalMessageDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
            messageString.Append("<" + childNode.Name + ">");
            foreach (XmlNode rows in childNode.ChildNodes)
                rowId = rows.ChildNodes[this.GroupingElement].InnerText;

                if (msgBatchId == string.Empty)
                    msgBatchId = rowId;

                if (msgBatchId != rowId)
                    messageString.Append("</" + childNode.Name + ">");
                    messageString.Append("</" + rootElement + ">");

                    //Queue message
                    CreateOutgoingMessage(pc, messageString.ToString(), namespaceURI, rootElement);

                    msgBatchId = rowId;

                    messageString.Remove(0, messageString.Length);
                    messageString.Append("<" + rootElement + " xmlns:ns0='" + namespaceURI + "'>");
                    messageString.Append("<" + childNode.Name + ">");
            messageString.Append("</" + childNode.Name + ">");

        messageString.Append("</" + rootElement + ">");

        CreateOutgoingMessage(pc, messageString.ToString(), namespaceURI, rootElement);
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new ApplicationException("Error in writing outgoing messages: " + ex.Message);
        messageString = null;
        originalMessageDoc = null;

    // _msgs.Enqueue(inmsg);

The source code shown here is just a snippet. To be able to use this, you can download the latest version from the BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack.

What is BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack?

The BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack is a set of custom pipeline components (libraries) with several custom pipeline components that can be used in receive and send pipelines, which will provide an extension of BizTalk out-of-the-box pipeline capabilities.

The project is available on the BizTalk Server Open Source Community repository on GitHub ( Everybody can contribute with new pipeline components that can be used to extend or improve the existing BizTalk Server capabilities.

At the moment, it is only available for BizTalk Server 2016, but it will soon be compiled and available for previous versions of the product.

Where to download it?

You can download BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack from GitHub here: BizTalk Pipeline Components Extensions Utility Pack.


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Configuring Polling Interval

Configuring Polling Interval

Configuring polling interval is the most requested feature from our customers, therefore we have introduced the same in our latest version. This feature will ease the monitoring capability of web endpoints, Azure services from BizTalk360. Consider, there is a situation where your application in BizTalk Server relays on external endpoints and it is crucial to make sure the status of the web endpoints all the time. With the monitoring capability in BizTalk360, you can monitor HTTP, SOAP, REST-based web services easily and get to know when your endpoint URL is not active. Likely, we can think of many scenarios where there are monitoring requirements for your BizTalk server.

Existing System

BizTalk360 Monitoring service is the main component where it looks through your BizTalk environment to ensure a safe day to day business transactions. The frequency of the monitoring service poll is controlled by setting the polling interval. Until the previous version, the polling interval value is not changeable by the users since it is defined in the internal code level. By default, the frequency is 60 secs.

Some customers don’t want monitoring service poll every minute for a few components during monitoring. For Example, consider external web endpoint is enabled for monitoring, therefore monitoring service will hit the external web services/server every minute to check the status. This frequent hit may slow down the performance in the servers where the endpoints are hosted.

To avoid the frequent hit on the server, new functionality has been implemented in BizTalk360 as “Manage Polling Interval”.

What is the New Change?

We have introduced a new section “Manage Polling interval” (Settings -> Monitoring Notification -> Manage Polling interval) where it holds default polling interval (60 secs) for the components, Logic Apps, API Apps, Web Endpoints, File, FTP, SFTP, MSMQ, Azure Service Bus Queue, IBM Queue. Users are privileged to configure the polling intervals based on their business needs as per the below screenshot.


Let us consider an example scenario where as a user, you want to monitor the web endpoint which your BizTalk applications consume from the external web services and you want the endpoint to be always up and running without any downtime.

This business need will be easily achievable through BizTalk360 just by creating and mapping the endpoints to the alarm.

From this very moment, the BizTalk360 monitoring service will take care of the monitoring every minute. At any point in time, if you don’t want the monitoring for every minute, you can change the polling interval for the web endpoint. If the setting is changed to 5 minutes, then the monitoring service will look at the endpoint status every 5 minutes and trigger the email alerts.


Endpoint Level Polling Interval Configuration

This is another interesting capability BizTalk360 provides, where users can set the polling interval per web endpoint level by overriding the global configuration. This feature will facilitate the customer to configure different polling intervals for different endpoints configured for their BizTalk Applications.

As an example, consider there are two endpoints configured for Monitoring in BizTalk360 and you want to check the status of both the endpoints in different polling intervals. Say 1 in every 15 mins, other in every 30 mins.

As mentioned in the previous section, polling interval can be configured in the settings level but to achieve this scenario there is a specific option “Endpoint Monitoring interval” provided in the web point configuration screen for every endpoint as mentioned in the below screenshot. Monitoring service will give priority to this value for web endpoints rather than the global configuration settings.



With this new capability, users can configure their own polling interval for the components which will ease the monitoring capability of their BizTalk Environment. Why not give BizTalk360 a try! It takes about 10 minutes to install on your BizTalk environments and you can witness and check the security and productivity of your BizTalk environments.

The post Configuring Polling Interval appeared first on BizTalk360.