by community-syndication | Oct 31, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
The SOA Manifesto signatories page went live a few days ago. Approximately 300 people have already signed up to show their support for the Manifesto, including some very well known names, and some of the worlds leading corporations and organizations. You can see a list of the signatories here.
In addition, Thomas Erl has very eloquently described the background and the process that lead to the Manifesto, you can read that here.
Lastly, if you read the SOA Manifesto, and agree with the value statements and principles it sets forth, you can show your support and become a signatory here.
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Theres a really cool looking event coming up in the UK in early december.
There are also some great speakers
Check it out
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Hi all
Just a quick note to let you all know that my friend and colleague Jakob Lund Krarup
has started a new blog about writing games using Microsofts XNA framework.
So if this interests you, do follow it 🙂
Edit (2009-11-04): The link to the blog is –
which I seem to have missed just before
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Yesterday afternoon I kicked off the update to Karmic Koala (9.10) on my trusty Dell Latitude D820 laptop that was running Ubuntu 9.04. The update took a long time (mostly due to the servers getting hammered) and, overall, worked just fine.
I did have to struggle with a couple of things. For example, I originally installed […]
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
I learned a new trick that I know someone out there will appreciate…
First, here’s a little background. Some time ago, when I hosted my first BizTalk service with WCF, I ran the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard and was prompted for an adapter name. I chose WCF-BasicHttp, assuming that I could easily change this later […]
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
My report on day five (the last day) of the October Rules Fest 2009 is at:
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
A bigger expression shape window is a feature that almost always appears on “next version of BizTalk wish lists”.
Every time Microsoft releases a new version of BizTalk we are all very disappointed that they did not make the expression window resizable or at least bigger.
There are rumors that this is done to discourage developers to […]
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Ive been having a few discussions with Christos Karras and Jason Hyland about Bizmonade over the last few days as a followup to some thoughts and questions i posted about Bizmonade.
Christos has posted a response to some of my questions on the below link, and i must say i think his plan for Bizmonade looks really good and it should become an important tool in the biztalk development cycle.
Check out his response here :
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
After repaving my desktop machine (which is my main work machine) with Windows 7, I tried the Windows Virtual PC for Windows 7 RC to run the few Virtual PC-based Virtual Machines I still use occasionally. It worked, though I didn’t bother installing the updated integration components (formerly known as Virtual Machine Guest Additions) for […]
by community-syndication | Oct 30, 2009 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Just a reminder about the SBUG webcast on tuesday
Global 360 will be introducing themselves and looking for feedback on what topic members would like to see them present at the next full SBUG meeting
All the details are here: