Here is the latest in my link-listing series.  Also check out my ASP.NET Tips, Tricks and Tutorials page and Silverlight Tutorials page for links to popular articles I’ve done myself in the past. 

You can also now follow me on twitter (@realscottgu) where I also post links and small posts.


  • Using ASP.NET 3.5’s ListView and DataPager Controls to Delete Data: Scott Mitchell continues his excellent tutorial series on the ASP.NET ListView control. In this article he discusses how to handle deleting data with it.

  • ASP.NET ListView: Displaying Hierarchical Data: Adam Pooler writes about how to use the ASP.NET ListView control to display hierarchical data within a web page.

  • Examining ASP.NET 2.0’s Membership, Roles and Profile API Part 14: Scott Mitchell continues his excellent series on ASP.NET’s security features with an article that discusses how to create a page that permits users to update their security question and answer settings to reset passwords.

  • ASP.NET Tip/Trick: Use a Base Page Class for All Application Pages: A nice article that discusses a good best practice with ASP.NET applications – which is to create a helper base class that encapsulates common functionality that you can use across pages within your applications.


  • Automatically Minify and Combine JavaScript in Visual Studio: Dave Ward has a great article that describes how you can add a build command to Visual Studio that enables you to automatically compress and combine client-side JavaScript files.  This makes your pages load faster on the client and improves the perceived performance of your sites.

  • Using Complex Types to Make Calling Services lessComplex: Dave Ward has a great post that discusses strategies on how to pass complex types to the server from client-side JavaScript.

  • Client-side Data Binding in ASP.NET AJAX 4.0: Fritz Onion has a great article about the new client-side templating features of ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 (which you can download and use today in .NET 3.5 projects).  This enables powerful client data-binding scenarios against JSON based data.  Also check out Politian’s Blog to find some great tutorials on how to use it.


  • jQuery Auto-Complete Text Box with ASP.NET MVC: Ben Scheirman has a really nice tutorial (taken from his upcoming ASP.NET MVC in Action book) that describes how to implement an auto-complete textbox using jQuery and ASP.NET MVC.

  • ASP.NET MVC Forms Authentication with Active Directory: Mike has a nice post that shows how to setup an ASP.NET MVC application with Forms Authentication that uses Active Directory as the username/password credential store instead of a database.  Also check out his post on ASP.NET MVC Forms Authentication with SQL Membership to learn more about how to setup forms authentication using a SQL Server database (instead of the default SQL Express one).

  • Visual Studio NUnit Templates for ASP.NET MVC: The VS Web Tools team has released updated NUnit templates that work with ASP.NET MVC 1.0.  This enables you to automatically create a test project that uses NUnit instead of MSTest when you do a File->New Project and select the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Project item.

  • 13 ASP.NET MVC Extensibility Points You Have to Know: Simone Chiaretta has a post that nicely summarizes 13 extensibility points in ASP.NET MVC and how you can use them to customize your applications.  Also check out the free chapter of his new ASP.NET MVC book.

  • Custom Route Constraints in ASP.NET MVC: Keyvan Nayyeriu has a nice post that discusses how to create a custom route constraint in ASP.NET MVC (one of the extensibility points in Simone’s list above).  You can use these to control whether a route rule is used or not, and they can enable some pretty rich routing scenarios.  Note that in addition to creating route constraint classes, ASP.NET MVC also supports using Regular Expressions and HTTP Method filters to constrain routes as well. Keyvan is the co-author with Simone of the Beginning ASP.NET MVC Book (free chapter available).

Visual Studio

Hope this helps,
