In the previous versions of Host Integration Server, all connection properties to the Host environment were configured in a static remote environment (RE).

On the HostApps adapter properties, the connection to a Host was made through one of the existing RE’s on the BizTalk server. Defining a remote environment was done through the TI Manager.

From Host Integration Server 2010, the Remote Environment can now be configured on the sendport itself, instead of a pre-defined RE by using the TI Manager.

The steps to configure this dynamic RE are very similar to what you were used to do in TI manager. Click the ’Connection Strings’ ellipses to configure the RE on the sendport.

Add your TI assemblies

Then ’Edit Connection String’ The following screen shows the connection properties to connect to the Host.

Having all connection properties available on the sendport allows for more flexibility in deployment and runtime. It is also much more ’friendly’ to the BizTalk developer. He is used to configure send ports, in this way he does not need to use another tool to configure a Host App sendport.

For a complete overview of new features in Host Integration Server 2010 visit this site:

Peter Borremans & Tim D’haeyer