When a transformation or routing process fails, the ESB creates an exception message and submits it through a direct-bound port to the Message Box database. The ESB also implements a send port named ALL.Exceptions that subscribes to and retrieves exception messages and publishes them to the ESB Management Portal.
The ESB Management Portal that ships with the ESB Toolkit is a sample website and is not really intended for production environments. Installation can also be quite difficult because the sample depends on many other components that must be installed first before the ESB Management Portal can be installed and there is not much documentation about it. Because of the installation difficulties there are quite some blogs created on how to install the Portal and there are also many questions about it in the BizTalk ESB Toolkit forum.
Another option is to access the ESB exception data directly via BizTalk360. In that case you only have to do one simple configuration in the BizTalk360 settings and you can avoid using different portals and tools to access your data, BizTalk360 consolidates everything in one place, making you productive.

BizTalk360 Settings

You first have to configure the ESB Portal Settings in BizTalk360 before you can use the ESB Portal.
Click on the Settings icon to go to the BizTalk360 Settings.
Click in the Menu on “ESB Portal Settings” to configure the ESB Exception database connection string.


Using the ESB Portal

Click in the Menu on “ESB Exceptions” to go to the ESB Exception Management.
Select an Exception and click on the properties button in order to see detailed information.



The ESB Portal in BizTalk360 works very well. Almost no configuration, the navigation is clear, it’s fast and the design is pretty. It would be nice that you could also edit and resubmit the fault message but the company stated that they are bringing a lot of new features as part of future release like Edit, Resubmit, Bulk Resubmit and more!

You can download it here:
BizTalk360 Free Trial