This post was originally published here

Hi All,

I just came across connectivity issue with the Azure Service Bus topics with SB-Messaging Adapter in BizTalk. The detail about the error is below. It took us sometime to figure out or resolve this connectivity issue. That is why wanted to document it so that we know the resolution.

“A message sent to adapter “SB-Messaging” on send port “Send__MEL_Topic” with URI “sb://” is suspended. Error details: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: Unable to connect to Service Bus using HTTP connectivity mode. —> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: Unable to connect upstream.

In this post I’ll demonstrate how to create Topics in Azure Service Bus and using SB-Messaging adapter to connect.

1- Create Service Bus Topic in Azure.

a- Go to Service Bus Menu

b- Create Namespace .

c- Navigate to Newly created Namespace, in my case “m-dev-integration-”.

d- Click New – Click “Topic” – Click Custom Create.

e- Add name to the new topic.

f- Click Next and Next.


g- Click on Newly created topic “Test”

h- Create Subscription.

i- Configure Topic “Test”. Click on configure, you need to add shared access policies.

Test- will be used to Send messaged to the Topic, and BizTalk is used to listen/receive messages from the Topic.

j- You need connection string and SAS information for BizTalk connectivity. Please copy the Access connection string for both Test and BizTalk.

2- Go to BizTalk Admin Console.

a- Create One-way send port to send out messages to Service Bus Topic “Test”.

b- Go to authenticate tab. Enter shared access key name – “Test” and access key from the connection string on the Topics configure page.

c- Create properties, add label to identify messages in the Service Bus/ BizTalk.

d- Send any Json message to the send port.

If you get the below error the follow the steps mention below:

“A message sent to adapter “SB-Messaging” on send port “Send_MEL_Topic” with URI “sb://” is suspended. Error details: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: Unable to connect to Service Bus using HTTP connectivity mode. —> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: Unable to connect upstream. – “

Resolution to the above error is very simple. This might be issue with your Proxy settings if you are within the firewall. Check your internet explorer Lan Settings, you should be using proper proxy address and port number (please make sure you use correct port number).

or you can edit your BTS config file to include proxy setting, this setting will be used for all the users accessing the machine, otherwise in DEV vm each user need to edit the internet explorer settings.
