What’s new in BizTalk Server 2020: Logic App Adapter

What’s new in BizTalk Server 2020: Logic App Adapter

Azure Logic Apps adapter is used by BizTalk Server to communicate with the Azure Logic Apps. This could also be possible using the HTTP adapter, but the Logic App adapter provides a better and straightforwardly experience.

You may be thinking that I’m out of my mind. Logic App Adapter was already available in BizTalk Server 2016. Indeed you are right. However, the Logic App adapter was an optional feature and a separate download in BizTalk Server 2016. You can know more about how to install it on this white paper I wrote some time ago:  Step-by-Step Logic App Adapter Installation Guide. But it is now installed with the BizTalk Server 2020 default installation process, so you do not need to install it and configure it manually. Everything or almost everything will be already configured for you automatically.

The Logic App Adapter is one of the adapters that support two-way communications:

  • The Logic App Receive Adapter that is responsible for receiving messages from Logic Apps and delivering them to BizTalk is, in fact, a WCF Service that runs inside Internet Information Services (IIS).
    • Install and Configure an On-premises Data Gateway;
      • Go to On-premises data gateway, and downloads the gateway installer.
      • Run the downloaded file when the download is complete. The Terms of use and privacy statement dialog box appears.
      • Review the terms and click the Accept button to accept the terms of use and privacy statement.
      • Specify the destination folder where you want to install the package.
      • Click the Install button to proceed.
      • Once the installation is done, a Sign in page appears wherein you are required to provide your Azure credentials.
        • Enter the email address that has a subscription on the Azure portal.
        • Click the Sign in button
      • After sign-in, the On-premises data gateway window opens a new page to register the gateway.
        • Select the Register a new gateway on this computer checkbox to register a new gateway and then click Next.
        • The next page of the On-premises data gateway window appears where you need to provide the data gateway details.
          • Enter the name of the data gateway in the New on-premises data gateway name text box.
            • We will be using BTS2020LAB01-gw.
          • Enter the desired recovery key in the Recovery key text box and confirm the recovery key on the text box below.
          • Notice that the default region is North Europe, if you want another one you should change it here.
          • Click Configure to continue.
      • Once the configuration is complete, the On-premises data gateway window displays the status that the gateway is online and ready to be used
      • Click Close.
    • Create a Data Gateway Resource on Azure
      • Sign-in into the Azure Portal using the credentials used for configuring the on-premises data gateway.
      • Search for On-premises data gateway and from the result list select the On-premises data gateway option
      • On the On-premises Data Gateways page, click + Add to create a new On-premises Data Gateway
      • On the Create connection gateway page, provide the following details:
        • Type the desired name in the Resource Name text box. For example, BTS2020LAB01-cg
        • Select the desired subscription option from the Subscription drop-down list.
        • Select the desired resource group option from the Resource Group drop-down list or create a new one.
        • Select the desired location from the Location drop-down list.
          • This region should need to be the same as that you used on the On-premises gateway installation
        • Select the desire On-premises gateway from the Installation Name drop-down list
        • Click the Create button to create a data gateway resource
    • Create BizTalk Server Application to receive a message from Logic App
      • Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand the <Server Name> à Sites à Default Web Sites
      • Right-click the Default Web Site option and select the Add Application option from the context menu.
      • On the Add Application window perform the following configurations:
        • Enter the desired alias (name) for your application in the Alias text box.
        • Select the application pool that you selected in the Management IIS application.
        • Click the Browse button to navigate to the folder that you want to set for the Physical path text box
          • C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ServerLogicApp AdapterReceiveService
        • Click the Test Settings button to verify the application pool identity and pass the authentication and authorization tests.
        • Click the OK button to save the changes.
      • Open BizTalk Server Administration, expand BizTalk Server Administration à BizTalk Group > Applications, and expand our application.
        • Right-select Receive Ports, select New, and select One-way Receive Port.
        • In the Receive Port properties window, enter the following configurations:
          • Name: Enter a name for the receive port.
        • Select Receive Locations, and select New
        • In the Receive Location properties window, enter the following configurations:
          • Enter a Name for the receive location
          • For the Type, select LogicApp from the list, and select the Configure button.
            • In the General tab, configure the endpoint address for your logic app:
            • Address: Required. Enter the BizTalk ReceiveService IIS application URL. In our case: /LogicAppTestService/Service1.svc
            • Public Address: Required. This is the public full URL of the service. In our case: http:///LogicAppTestService/Service1.svc
          • In the Binding tab, you can configure any timeout and encoding-related properties of the underlying WCF-WebHttp binding. These properties are helpful when dealing with large messages.
          • In the Security tab, configure any security properties.
        • Click the OK button, to save your configurations.
        • For the Receive handler, select PassThruReceive from the list and select OK to save your configurations.
    • And finally, create our Logic App to send messages to BizTalk Server
      • Sign in to the Azure portal. Create a blank logic app.
      • After Logic App Designer opens, in the search box, enter Request as your filter, and from the triggers list, select the When a HTTP request is received trigger
      • Select + New step
      • In the search box, enter BizTalk Server as your filter
        • From the connector list, select the Send message action form the BizTalk Server connector
      • Once the action is added to your logic app, you need to setup the connections, perform the following actions:
        • Select the option Connect via on-premises data gateway and on the gateway properties, select the Subscription and the desired Connection Gateway.
        • On the Connection Name property, provide a proper name for your connector
        • On the BizTalk Server URL property, provide a public UTL for the Management Application on the BizTalk Server IIS
        • On the Authentication Type property, set Windows and provide a proper Username and Password to access the above service (BizTalkManagementService)
        • Select Create
      • Once you create the connector, the Send message action will appear on the Logic App designer
        • From the Receive Location list, select the receive location we just create above
        • On the Input Message, specify the Body token of the When a HTTP request is received trigger
  • The Logic App Send Adapter is responsible for sending messages from BizTalk Server to Logic Apps.
    • We need to first create a Logic App in our Azure Subscription has as a trigger the When a HTTP request is received present in the Request built-in Connector.
      • Note: The Logic App adapter doesn’t support the new Logic App (preview) that are hosted on Azure Function runtime.
    • We need to configure TLS 1.2 as the default security protocol on BizTalk Server.
    • And finally, create a BizTalk Server Application to send message to Logic App
      • Right-select Send Ports, select New, and select Static One-way Send Port
      • In the Send Port properties, enter the following:
        • Name for the send port. For example, enter POC_SEND_MSG_LOGIC_APP.
        • For the Type, select LogicApp from the list, and select the Configure button
          • In the General tab, configure the Callback URI of your logic app trigger by selecting Configure…
            • On the Logic App Details Page, select Sign-in to Azure and authenticate with an Azure account
            • After you authenticate, you can be able to access your Azure and select the Subscription, the Resource Group that contains the Logic Apps, and finally the Logic App and the Trigger
            • The Trigger will be always manual
            • Select OK to save your configurations.
          • In the Messages tab, set the content-type header as:
            • Content-Type:application/json

Setting up the BizTalk Server 2020 Logic App adapter

I told above that almost everything will be already configured. However, there is a critical bug in the default installation of the Logic App adapter that will affect the process of receiving messages from Logic Apps using the BizTalk Server Connector.

The Logic App Receive handler, or what we normally call the Logic App Receive adapter is by default configured to use the default In-Process Host, normally the BizTalkServerApplication, in this case as you saw in the picture bellow BizTalkServerReceiveHost.

If you leave this configuration, you will end up having errors when trying to activate a Receive Location that uses the Logic App adapter:

The receive location “Receive Location name” with URL “/iis-application-name/Service1.svc” is shutting down. Details

See more about this error here.

This happens assigned because the Receive handler is associated with the In-process Host and it should be bound to the Isolated Host.

To fix this bug we need to:

  • Remove the adapter from all assigned send ports and receive locations in my applications
    • Therefore, is important to do this immediately after the installation and configuration of your BizTalk Server environment. Otherwise, it will affect your existing application that uses the Logic App adapter to send messages to Logic Apps.
  • Download the BizTalk Server 2020: Scripts to Fix Logic App Adapter installation available on GitHub
  • Execute the RemoveLogicAppAdapter.vbs script to un-register the Logic App adapter from the BizTalk Server Configuration Console
  • Execute the AddLogicAppAdapter.vbs script to properly register the Logic App adapter from the BizTalk Server Configuration Console

The post What’s new in BizTalk Server 2020: Logic App Adapter appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Server 2020 Logic App Adapter: The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location “Receive Location” with URL “…/Service1.svc” to the adapter “LogicApp”. Reason: “80070057”

BizTalk Server 2020 Logic App Adapter: The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location “Receive Location” with URL “…/Service1.svc” to the adapter “LogicApp”. Reason: “80070057”

Until now, I usually have used the Logic App adapter to send messages to Azure Logic Apps and extend the BizTalk Server capabilities with the Azure Services. Yesterday, once I was trying the inverse capabilities, i.e., receiving a message from Logic App into BizTalk Server using the Logic App Adapter and, of course, the BizTalk Server Connector available on Logic App. I was surprised with the following error while I was trying to access the exposed service to receive messages from Logic App:

Receive location for address “/LogicAppTestServoce/Service1.svc” not found. (The BizTalk receive location may be disabled.)

This is a common error. It means that the Receive Location doesn’t exist or it is disabled. So I went to the BizTalk Server Administration Console and Enabled the Receive Location, but it automatically disabled again.

Once I check the Event Viewer for errors I found the 3 following errors:

The Messaging Engine encountered an error when creating the receive adapter “LogicApp”. The Assembly is: “Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.LogicApp.Runtime.LogicAppReceiver, Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.LogicApp.Runtime”. The error occurred because the component does not implement the mandatory interface “IBTTransportControl”.

The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location “POC_LOGICAPP_TO_BIZTALK_LA” with URL “/LogicAppTestService/Service1.svc” to the adapter “LogicApp”. Reason: “80070057”.

The receive location “POC_LOGICAPP_TO_BIZTALK_LA” with URL “/LogicAppTestService/Service1.svc” is shutting down. Details:”The Messaging Engine failed while notifying an adapter of its configuration. “.


There is a critical bug in the default installation of the Logic App adapter that will affect the process of receiving messages from Logic Apps using the BizTalk Server Connector.

The Logic App Receive handler, or what we usually call the Logic App Receive adapter, is, by default, configured to use the default In-Process Host, normally the BizTalkServerApplication, in this case, as you saw in the picture bellow BizTalkServerReceiveHost.

Like what happens with the HTTP adapter, the Logic App Adapter is one of the adapters that support two-way communications. Still, unlike other adapters, this adapter has two characteristics that define it:

  • The Logic App Receive Adapter that is responsible for delivering messages to BizTalk is, in fact, a WCF Service that runs inside Internet Information Services (IIS).
  • And for that reason, it must be configured in IIS – it is not there out-of-the-box.

This means that when we create and configure a receive location that uses the Logic App adapter inside the BizTalk Server Administration Console, this receive location uses an application within IIS.

So, if you leave this Logic App Adapter default configuration, you will end up having the above errors when trying to activate a Receive Location. This happens assigned because the Receive handler is associated with the In-process Host and it should be bound to the Isolated Host.


To fix this bug we need to:

  • Remove the adapter from all assigned send ports and receive locations in my applications
    • Therefore, it is essential to do this immediately after the installation and configuration of your BizTalk Server environment. Otherwise, it will affect your existing application that uses the Logic App adapter to send messages to Logic Apps.
  • Download the BizTalk Server 2020: Scripts to Fix Logic App Adapter installation available on GitHub.
  • Execute the RemoveLogicAppAdapter.vbs script to un-register the Logic App adapter from the BizTalk Server Configuration Console.
  • Execute the AddLogicAppAdapter.vbs script to properly register the Logic App adapter from the BizTalk Server Configuration Console.

The post BizTalk Server 2020 Logic App Adapter: The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location “Receive Location” with URL “…/Service1.svc” to the adapter “LogicApp”. Reason: “80070057” appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

December 07, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

December 07, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

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How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure


Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

What’s new in BizTalk Server 2020: XSLT 3.0 Support

What’s new in BizTalk Server 2020: XSLT 3.0 Support

Last weekend I delivered a session about BizTalk Server 2020 in action on Global Integration Bootcamp 2020 Madrid, where I spoke about the new features available in the most recent version of the product.

Today I will start this series of blog posts about what’s new in BizTalk Server 2020 by beginning to speak about one of the most expected and log time requested features: XSLT 3.0 Support.

XSLT 3.0 represents a significant upgrade of the XSLT 1.0 (and even XSLT 2.0) standards to become a general-purpose transformation language for the most common data storage and messaging formats.

There are a lot of advantages to using XSLT 3.0 compare with the XSLT 1.0 or, in fact, XSLT 2.0, and the goal here is not to address every single of them, but we can highlight the following one:

  • Extended Function Set, Sequences, Arrays, and Maps: The initial function set for XSLT1.0 was the same as XPath 1.0 functions and was very limited. Minimal math support, no regular expression support, minimal string manipulation capabilities, no support for set (sequence) operations, no support for dates.
    • Grouping:
      • xsl:for-each-group: a set of items can be selected and arranged into groups based on specific criteria (for example, common values); then each group can be processed in turn
        • special XPath functions within for-each-group: current-grouping-key(), currentgroup()
      • Variants of <xsl:for-each-group>:
        • group-adjacent: adjacent items are allocated to the same group if they have common values for the grouping key
        • group-starting-with: whenever an item matches the pattern, a new group is started with this item
        • group-by: whenever an item matches the pattern, a new group is started after this item
    • Sorting:
      • xsl:sort: can be used inside of <xsl:for-each>, <xsl:for-each-group>, <xsl:applytemplates> and <xsl:perform-sort>. It defines the order in which the data is processed by the instruction.
      • Several subsequent sort keys can be defined

BizTalk’s default XSL transform engine implementation is based on .Net Framework XSLT Transformations. This support is limited to XSLT 1.0.

Starting with BizTalk Server 2020, users can choose Saxon:registered: 9 (Saxon 9 HE) as the XSLT transform engine. But most importantly, it will be possible to plug-in your own custom XSLT transform engine.

  • YYou can implement a custom XSLT transform engine by defining XSLT transform implementation derived from abstract class Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.ITransform2 in assembly Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.dll.
  • See more details at: Custom XSLT transform implementation.

This makes it possible for BizTalk server maps to support newer versions of XSLT. Using Saxon 9 HE, we can readily use XSLT3.0.

Use XSLT Transform Engine property to specify the XSLT transform engine you wish to use:

This was one of the most expected features, but be careful, this can be a poisoned gift because Saxon 9 HE doesn’t support embedded scripting. As a result, functoids shipped as part of BizTalk may not function well. And for many cases, this can be a showstopper.

The advantages of using XSLT 3.0 with Saxon 9 HE:

  • Development: The XSLT file can be developed separately and hosted in a BizTalk map. It will simplify specific scenarios, especially scenarios that grouping and sorting are required. As we mentioned above, XSLT 3.0 provides an extended set of functions, which was very limited within XSLT 1.0.

Disadvantages when using XSLT 3.0 with Saxon 9 HD:

  • Level of effort: Not quite as intuitive, Functoids are easier to read visually on the map grid and therefore Requires “geeky” coding skills.
  • Overview: You lose the visual map representation. You can conjugate Saxon 9 HE with the BizTalk Mapper, but it is harder to do it.
  • BizTalk Mapper Editor limitations: except for a few built-in Functoids like Scripting Functoid (not all script types will work properly) or advance Functoids, BizTalk Functoids will not work while using the Saxon 9 HE XSLT Transformation Engine.
  • BizTalk Development Tool Integration: it is a brand new feature, and it seems that doesn’t have, at least for now, the same level of integration capabilities with the BizTalk Server development tools that we are usual to have and use if we compared with the default transformation engine

The post What’s new in BizTalk Server 2020: XSLT 3.0 Support appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

November 30, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

November 30, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

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How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure


Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

November 23, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

November 23, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

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How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure

Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

BizTalk Server 2020 Configuration: Error validating the SSIS Catalog database. Please ensure SQL Server Integration Services is installed on the local machine and SSIS Catalog is created on target SQL Server

BizTalk Server 2020 Configuration: Error validating the SSIS Catalog database. Please ensure SQL Server Integration Services is installed on the local machine and SSIS Catalog is created on target SQL Server

Following my last blog post and while I was trying to fix some issues regarding a BizTalk Server 2020 installation and configuration provided by my intern as is learning process. We end up solving some critical problems that allow us to install the platform’s most important components. Nevertheless, several components like BAM Tools, BAM Portal and BizTalk EDI/AS2 Runtime failed to configure:

Once, we inspect the logfile provide the the BizTalk Server Configurarion Wizard we found the following error message:

[2020-11-10 22:17:18:0674 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BAM Tools] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to failed validation.  Please go to Custom Configuration to fix the validation error.

Validation Error: <Exception Message=”Error validating the SSIS Catalog database. Please ensure SQL Server Integration Services is installed on the local machine and SSIS Catalog is created on target SQL Server.” Source=”BAMTools” HelpID=”idsErrorValidateSSISCatalogDatabase”><Exception Message=”SSIS Catalog (SSISDB) does not exist on server BTS2020LABAVMRG. Please create SSIS Catalog.” Source=”Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.CfgExtHelper.ToolsHelper” HelpID=”error_SSISCatalogNotExists”/></Exception>]

[2020-11-10 22:17:18:0674 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BAM Portal] Failed to configure with error message [The Configuration of Feature ‘BAM Portal’ failed because the dependent Feature ‘BAM Tools’ was not configured. ]

[2020-11-10 22:17:18:0674 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BizTalk EDI/AS2 Runtime] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (BAM Tools) failed to configure correctly.]

Three distinct errors but the last two are a sequence of the first one, all of them are related to the same cause.


SSISDB was automatically created during the BizTalk Server configuration process on previous versions if we enable BAM Portal. However, BAM Portal was deprecated in this new BizTalk Server version, and the configuration process no longer created the SSIS Catalog. Instead, we need to create the catalog manually.

If you don’t create the SSIS Catalog manually, you will not be able to configure BAM Portal. Nevertheless, you can always perform this operation whenever you think is required, and after that, configure BAM Portal.

Make sure you also configure SQL Server Database Mail feature if you wish to configure BAM Alerts on your BizTalk Server 2020 environment


The solution is very simple, we need to manually create the catalog by using the following instructions:

  • Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the SQL Server Database Engine.
  • In Object Explorer, expand the server node, right-click the Integration Services Catalogs node, and then click Create Catalog.
  • On the Create Catalog window, do the following configuration and click OK.
    • Select Enable CLR Integration option.
    • Enter a password to protect the encryption key.

And run the BizTalk Server Configuration again. At the end you will be able to configure all BizTalk Server components.

The post BizTalk Server 2020 Configuration: Error validating the SSIS Catalog database. Please ensure SQL Server Integration Services is installed on the local machine and SSIS Catalog is created on target SQL Server appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

November 16, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

November 16, 2020 Weekly Update on Microsoft Integration Platform & Azure iPaaS

Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?

Integration weekly update can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.

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How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?

  • Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
  • Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
  • Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
  • Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
  • Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
  • Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
  • Azure Functions Fundamentals
  • Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
  • Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure

Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.

BizTalk Server Configuration error: Cannot create file ‘C:pathname.mdf’ because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation

BizTalk Server Configuration error: Cannot create file ‘C:pathname.mdf’ because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation

As the learning process’s path, all my interns or new team members, regardless of what technologies they will be using more, one of the first things they will do is create a BizTalk Server development environment from scratch. Yes, all my team members will have skills in all Integration technologies, BizTalk Server, Logic Apps, Service Bus, APIM, and the list goes on and on.

I don´t mind or care if you get it right the first time or not. Sometimes it is with failures that we learn best and more. And I find it curious that with these exercises, they will find problems that I would never imagine happening, so sometimes it is a learning process and continuous improvement for both or the team.

This is one of these cases. My recent team member, while he was trying to configure BizTalk Server using the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard, was getting a failure in all the components immediately:

As he did not understand why this problem was happening, he asked me for help. Once we analyze the log file generated by the configuration wizard, we saw this error:

[2020-11-10 22:08:14:0631 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [Enterprise SSO] Failed to configure with error message [<Exception Message=”Failed to create the SQL database ‘SSODB’ on SQL Server ‘BTS2020LABAVMRG’ (with SSO Administrator account ‘SSO Administrators’).” Source=”SSO” HelpID=””><Exception Message=”(0xC0002A21) An error occurred while attempting to access the SSO database. ” Source=”SSO” HelpID=””><Exception Message=”An error occurred while attempting to access the SSO database. See the event log (on computer ‘BTS2020LABAVMRG’) for more details. ” Source=”SSO” HelpID=””/></Exception></Exception>]

Basically, this error message does not show any clue or cause as to why this problem is happening. Nevertheless, it will point to you a source to see more details about this issue: the event viewer.

Once we chech the event viewer we got a very clear error message:

Cannot create file ‘C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL15.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATASSODB.mdf’ because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation.


The reason for this error to happen is clear. The BizTalk Server configuration wizard is trying to create the database files on the default SQL Server folders, but they already exist.

This error happened because my team member initially didn’t install all the required SQL Server components correctly. Once he was trying to add new features to an existing instance, he accidentally created another SQL Server instance.

After that, he uninstalled all the SQL Server instances and appropriately installed all the components, at least for now, let’s assume so. Nevertheless, while he was trying to do a Basic Configuration, he got that “strange” error.

Thru the SQL Server Management Console, we couldn’t see these databases, not only SSO as the error description, but also with all other BizTalk Server databases. But once we saw that folder, we realize that the uninstalls did not delete BD files created before from the hard drive.


The solution is very simple, delete all the Unnecessary files from that folder, like:

  • SSO
  • SSO_log
  • BizTalkDTADb
  • BizTalkDTADb_log
  • BizTalkMgmtDb
  • BizTalkMgmtDb_log
  • BizTalkMsgBoxDb
  • BizTalkMsgBoxDb_log
  • BizTalkRuleEngineDb
  • BizTalkRuleEngineDb_log

And run the BizTalk Servr Configuration again. At the end you will be able to configure BizTalk Server.

Hey… but there still errors over there. Indeed, there are, but I will leave that to another post that will be published very soon. However, this blog post’s original error was solved, and we were able to configure the required and critical BizTalk Server components: SSO, Group, and BizTalk Runtime.

The post BizTalk Server Configuration error: Cannot create file ‘C:pathname.mdf’ because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

Recovering a deleted Logic App with Azure Portal

Recovering a deleted Logic App with Azure Portal

We’ve all been through it. A few days ago, I accidentally deleted a Logic App when working for a customer.

I was working on migrating from the Portal resources to a Visual Studio solution, because CI/CD is being implemented.

Luckily it was the Dev environment, but still, there was some developments that I hadn’t migrated yet! Hours of work were lost! Or then again, maybe not.

After some research I found out that there’s no way of recovering or rollback a deleted Logic App. There’s some documentation to recover an App Service but no actual mentions to LAs.


Suggestions have been made in Azure Feedback, but so far, no replies.

So, how exactly do you recover a deleted Logic App?

Well, you have to dig a little bit and do some magic, but you will end up with a working Logic App after this.

Let’s work!

First, you must navigate to the Activity Log of your Resource Group.

There, you will find the last operations executed. This may not be easy, in this example I only have a few operations, but in the client tenant, I had to scavenge through a few days of logs.


Once you find the correct deleted workflow AKA Logic App, you open it and check the Change History. This should in preview but it will be life boat.

The “deleted resource” contains the JSON code and it is what we’re looking for. Although it requires a bit of magic dust to clean the data that’s in it, it does contain the most recent code you had. Migrating this to a new Logic App, either in Portal using Code View or in a VS solution, this is the best way to recover your little mistake.

The end result, should look like this:

And your Logic App should be ready to run!

It may not be the best way to get this nor the fastest, but it works and there’s no proper documentation for this. Hopefully, Microsoft will release a more convenient way to get your deleted code.

Hope this helps you to undo your mistakes.

The post Recovering a deleted Logic App with Azure Portal appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.