What is coming in BizTalk360 Version 9.0 Phase 3?

What is coming in BizTalk360 Version 9.0 Phase 3?

We are super excited to share the list of features that are planned for our upcoming BizTalk360 release 9.0 Phase 3. We always aim to constantly improve our product in every release, based on customer feedback and their business needs. Generally, we release a new version each quarter. In August 2019, we released Version 9.0 Phase 2. Now Version 9.0 Phase 3 is planned for late November and our team is energetically working towards it.

Reporting for Analytics custom widget

The BizTalk360 Reporting feature offers out of the box capabilities that allow users to create schedules and generate PDF documents of critical performance metrics at specific time periods.

From v9.0 phase 3 on,  you can configure analytics custom widgets with the performance metrics of your BizTalk environment such as Messaging Performance, Message Transmission failure rate, Server performance, etc . and get that as a report, based on the schedule configuration.

For example, you can get a report by the end of the day with the number of messages processed for a particular schema or a particular send port.


Database Size Monitoring

This feature will be helpful for BizTalk administrators who frequently check the database growth to ensure the health of the BizTalk databases.

Some of the BizTalk databases can grow extremely big; it’s not uncommon to have over 1 million records in certain tables (ex: MessageInOutEvents table in Tracking Database). As the database size grows, the SQL server will need more memory and CPU to read data from the tables, and when the size of each table increases, it slows down the DB operations and affects the BizTalk operation.

With Database Size Monitoring, you can monitor the database and log file size of below BizTalk and BizTalk360 databases, by simply configuring the error and warning threshold values for the database and log file sizes.

  • BizTalkDTADb
  • BizTalkMgmtDb
  • BizTalkMsgBoxDb
  • BizTalkRuleEngineDb
  • BAM Db’s
  • BizTalk360

For example, If the size of the BizTalkDTADb is greater than a threshold value configured, then you will get notified.


Configurable polling interval for monitoring

The BizTalk360 Monitoring Service usually runs every 60 seconds and checks for the status of the artifacts which are mapped for monitoring, which include Application artifacts, File/FTP/SFTP, Queues, web endpoints, etc. We got requests from a few of our customers that they have configured multiple endpoints for monitoring and the BizTalk360 monitoring service calls the endpoint for every 60 secs to check the status, but they don’t want to call the endpoints frequently i.e. every 60 secs. So, to improve this, we are providing an option to configure the polling interval for monitoring; depending on the configurated time, only then the monitoring service calls the endpoint.

SQL Server Cluster Monitoring

In BizTalk360, we have a BizTalk and SQL Server Monitoring which allows you to monitor the Disks, System Resources, Event Log, and NT Services. From this version on, we extend our support to monitor the SQL Server cluster. By configuring the SQL Server network name for monitoring, BizTalk360 will start monitoring the current active node and in case of failover scenario, BizTalk360 will automatically take the active server for monitoring.



Support SQL Authentication SQL Query

The standard BizTalk Admin Console does not come with any capabilities related to accessing SQL Server data. This leaves the support people to rely on external SQL tools like SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Tools like SSMS are designed for DBA’s and Developers, and it’s not particularly friendly when it comes to pure support and management; a level of technical expertise is required to be able to use SSMS. We understood the practical challenges of not having an integrated SQL data access tool along with the BizTalk Administration and the challenges it exposes.

That’s why we have already built the “Secure SQL Queries” feature in BizTalk360.

Using Database Query monitoring, you can set up thresholds that are limited to database scalar values. For every BizTalk360 Monitoring cycle, the monitoring service will validate the results of the SQL query against the configured threshold values. If any violation happens, it will trigger a notification to the configured emails in the alarms.

However, since BizTalk360 does not support SQL authentication, currently you cannot access Azure databases from Secure SQL query and in Database Query monitoring. From this version on, the product supports SQL authentication for database access. You can query your Azure databases from the BizTalk360 Database query monitoring and Secure SQL Query sections.

Logic Apps Improvements

From this version on, you can provide access restrictions for logic apps. Based on the role, you can define which user can manage (enable, disable, delete, trigger) the Logic Apps.

Additional details such as Version, Last Run Time and Last Run Status of the logic app will get listed in the grid.

Copy Alarm along with artifact mapping

The first step in monitoring by using BizTalk360 is to create Alarms. Alarms in BizTalk360 act like a package to associate things together. We already have an option to copy the alarm which will copy only the alarm configuration. Now we are extending this to copy the alarm along with the artifact mapping configuration.

Alarm and Monitoring Dashboard Improvements

Below are some of the improvements, we have planned for this release in the Monitoring section:

  • Indication of alarm status (Enabled/Disabled)
  • Last Execution Time of the alarm
  • Number of Alerts Notified (2/3)
  • Indication whether Auto Correct is enabled or not
  • The artifacts from the collapsed view will be made clickable to route to the respective configuration

Performance data collection improvement for DTA

We already optimized performance data collection in the last release. in this release, we are improving on DTA performance data collection. With this, we allow users to choose the relevant DTA metrics, which will reduce the number of calls to the DTA database.


Considering the feedback from our customers, BizTalk360 will continue to provide more useful features on every release.

Why not give BizTalk360 a try! It takes about 10 minutes to install on your BizTalk environments and you can witness and check the security and productivity of your own BizTalk Environments.

The post What is coming in BizTalk360 Version 9.0 Phase 3? appeared first on BizTalk360.

BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II Resources

BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II Resources

Last time I spoke both at Integrate UK and Integrate USA were in 2017, that in fact was the last time this event also happened in the USA, in which my session was on this same topic, part one of this topic: BizTalk Server Fast & Loud. And in reality, it was merely a happy coincidence, to do these two events again two years later and have decided to do the second part of this previous lecture, because by the time I chose the topic I didn’t know that I would return to the US… but it was a happy coincidence that fit very well!

And the reason I decide this second part was because I had received so much amazing feedback about my BizTalk Server Fast & Loud session two years ago. I can confess that in the beginning, I was a bit nervous to do this sequel, mainly because I want to keep the same good level of the previous one, avoiding what usually happens with the sequels in the movies, as a new part is released the quality goes down… but in the end I think I did a good job, that was confirmed by the awesome feedback provided by the attendees of both events. Personally, I love this session more than the previous one. But if you were not there two years ago, do not watch this talk without seeing the first part of this session here: BizTalk Server Fast & Loud.

About my session

Session Name: BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II: Optimizing BizTalk

BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II: Optimizing BizTalk

Session Overview: Following the success of one of Sandro’s previous presentations at Integrate, Sandro decided to go deep on this hardcore BizTalk topic: Optimizing your BizTalk Server. This session will allow you to gain a better view on how to optimize BizTalk Server for better performance in all phases: your team’s proactivity, your code, your environment, and your goals. Once again, this is a very extensive and complex topic and there is no magic formula you can apply to solve all your problems. This presentation will aim to guide you through some of the most important steps, operations, tasks and best practices that you need to do or be aware of, in order to boost the performance of your BizTalk Server projects and that you can adjust or follow according to your needs.

BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II: Optimizing BizTalk - Corticeira Amorim

BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II Slides

You can find and download the slide deck on SlideShare here: https://www.slideshare.net/SandroPereira3/2019-0625-integrate-2019-usuk-sandro-pereira-biztalk-server-fast-and-loud-part-ii-178467664

BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II Video

Like previous years, the event in London is recorded, so if for any reason you could not be present at these events, or if you want to review it again, you can now do it here:

BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II Video

The post BizTalk Server Fast & Loud Part II Resources appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.

BizTalk Server 2016: step by step Logic App adapter installation guide

BizTalk Server 2016: step by step Logic App adapter installation guide

My latest BizTalk Server whitepaper has been published: “BizTalk Server 2016: step by step Logic App adapter installation guide” and I’m thrilled!

BizTalk Server 2016: step by step Logic App adapter installation guide

I am currently doing many hybrid integrations, leveraging the capabilities of BizTalk Server and Logic Apps to meet the needs/requirements of my clients/projects. Some of these projects began initially to be completely on-premises, but as the projects grew and new needs emerged, the need to use some cloud services appeared like Power BI, Office365 (Teams, Outlook) and so on, became a reality. And these features are much easier to implement and have more productivity on Azure Logic Apps instead of BizTalk Server as there are already native connectors there.

And you have known that in reality there are several ways to implement this two bidirectionality communication between Logic App and BizTalk Server :

  • Sending messages from BizTalk Server to Azure Logic Apps
  • and receiving messages from Azure Logic Apps to BizTalk Server

like using HTTP requests or Azure Service Bus, and by doing so you can create robust and smart hybrid integrations. You may have to use one of these alternative implementations if you are using older versions of BizTalk Server.

The good news is that BizTalk Server 2016 has a better and more user-friendly way to make these hybrid connections. Instead of using HTTP requests, with BizTalk Server 2016 you can use the Logic Apps adapter to receive messages from an Azure Logic App or send messages to an Azure Logic App.

This whitepaper will give you a detailed understanding of the following:

  • Requirements to install Logic App adapter
  • Microsoft BizTalk Server Adapter for Logic Apps
  • On-premises data gateway
  • How to install and configure the Logic App Adapter

Where I can download it

The whitepaper is completely free and you can download it here:

I would like to take this opportunity also to once again say thanks to Lex Hegt for helping me reviewing this whitepaper especially for the incredible work of him correcting my horrible English and in this way make the document and my thoughts being readable.

I hope you enjoy reading this paper and any comments or suggestions are welcome.

You can also find, download and enjoy several other free whitepapers of my own here:

The post BizTalk Server 2016: step by step Logic App adapter installation guide appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.