BizTalk360 Deployment and Configuration best practices

Our customer base is increasing and we constantly receive this question. This article explains all the known best practices for BizTalk360 we have learned from various customer engagements. Deployment Options: First let us take quick look at the deployment options you have for BizTalk360. We support 2 main types of deployment as shown in the […]

The post BizTalk360 Deployment and Configuration best practices appeared first on BizTalk360 Blog.

Blog Post by: Saravana Kumar

BizTalk Server 2010 Developer Training – Melbourne (4th-8th February 2013)

Mexia will be running another 5 day BizTalk Server 2010 Developer course in Melbourne on the 4th-8th of February 2013.


The BizTalk Server 2010 Developer Training is an updated version of the existing BizTalk training and now includes WCF send and receive adapters, a BizTalk Patterns module (correlation, sequential convoy and parallel convoy) and an optional EDI module. The course is targeted at beginning BizTalk developer or developers that want to bring their skills up to 2010.

If you have queries about this course, or you would like to discuss private on-site training for your team, please get in touch with us.

More …

Tags: BizTalk Training
Interacting with Clouds From Visual Studio: Part 1 – Windows Azure

Interacting with Clouds From Visual Studio: Part 1 – Windows Azure

Now that cloud providers are maturing and stabilizing their platforms, we’re seeing better and better dev tooling get released. Three major .NET-friendly cloud platforms (Windows Azure, AWS, and Iron Foundry) have management tools baked right into Visual Studio, and I thought it’d be fun to compare them with respect to completeness of functional coverage and […]
Blog Post by: Richard Seroter

Designing for Mobile First

Designing for responsive layouts has been a big topic lately. I’ve been reading up on it a lot, and have officially been won over to a side. I believe that starting small and working upwards in size is most often the best way to create websites these days. We should start with the mobile design […]
Blog Post by: Karissa Wingate

Routing exceptions on send ports to the ESB Exception Management Portal without turning on routing for failed messages (Part 2)

Routing exceptions on send ports to the ESB Exception Management Portal without turning on routing for failed messages (Part 2)

A colleague of mine was discussing my blog post “Routing exceptions on send ports to the ESB Exception Management Portal without turning on routing for failed messages (Part 1)” with me since he wanted to implement the pattern on his own project, but he wanted to take this a bit further. He wanted for the […]
Blog Post by: Johann

Enabling Authentication/Authorization on a BizTalk WCF-NetMsmq Receive Location using Transport Security and ACLs

Enabling Authentication/Authorization on a BizTalk WCF-NetMsmq Receive Location using Transport Security and ACLs

I’ve recently been working on a project that uses a WCF-NetMsmq receive location which points to a transactional private queue to receive messages into BizTalk Server 2010 (note that this is on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine, experiences might differ slightly with different versions of the OS which come packaged with different versions of […]
Blog Post by: Johann

BizTalk Summit 2013, London. Brought to you by Microsoft + BizTalk360

The fire is on in the BizTalk land, following the recent BizTalk Summit 2012, held in Redmond on 10th and 11th of December. Microsoft is organising a near repeat of the event in Europe at Amsterdam, London and Stockholm on 15th, 16th and 17th of January respectively. BizTalk Innovation Day renamed to BizTalk Summit 2013 […]

The post BizTalk Summit 2013, London. Brought to you by Microsoft + BizTalk360 appeared first on BizTalk360 Blog.

Blog Post by: Saravana Kumar

Sample Windows Azure Virtual Machines PowerShell Scripts

I sometimes show a platform that requires a bunch of Windows Azure virtual machines. It has 1 Active Directory domain controller (n123dc1), 3 SQL Server VMs for database mirroring (n123sql1, n123sql2, and n123sp20131 which also happens to have a SharePoint Server 2013 installed), and 2 members of a SharePoint 2012 Web Front End.

Between two demo sessions, I keep the VHD files in Windows Azure blob storage, as well as the virtual network because they don’t cost too much, but I don’t let the virtual machines deployed so that they don’t cost anything.

In order to restart the whole platform I use the following script (I slightly obfuscated one or two values).


#region init
Import-Module 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\PowerShell\Azure\Azure.psd1'

$subscription = 'Azdem169B44999X'
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscription -CurrentStorageAccount 'storrageazure2'
Set-AzureSubscription -DefaultSubscription $subscription

$cloudSvcName = 'n123'

#region DC
$disk0Name = 'n123dc1-n123dc1-0-20120912092405'
$disk1Name = 'n123dc1-n123dc1-0-20120912105309'
$vNetName = 'Network123'
$subNet = 'DCSubnet'

$vm1 = New-AzureVMConfig -DiskName $disk0Name -InstanceSize ExtraSmall -Name $vmName -Label $vmName |
    Add-AzureDataDisk -DiskName $disk1Name -Import -LUN 0 |
    Set-AzureSubnet $subNet |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 3389 -Name 'RDP' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 50101

New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName -VMs $vm1 -VNetName $vNetName

#region SQL Server
$disk0Name = 'n123dc1-n123sql1-0-20120912170111'
$disk1Name = 'n123dc1-n123sql1-0-20120913074650'
$disk2Name = 'n123dc1-n123sql1-1-20120913080403'
$vNetName = 'Network123'
$subNet = 'SQLSubnet'
$availabilitySetName = 'SQL'

$sqlvms = @()

$vm1 = New-AzureVMConfig -DiskName $disk0Name -InstanceSize Medium -Name $vmName -Label $vmName -AvailabilitySetName $availabilitySetName |
    Add-AzureDataDisk -DiskName $disk1Name -Import -LUN 0 |
    Add-AzureDataDisk -DiskName $disk2Name -Import -LUN 1 |
    Set-AzureSubnet $subNet |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 3389 -Name 'RDP' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 50604 |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 1433 -Name 'SQL' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 14330

$sqlvms += ,$vm1

$disk0Name = 'n123-n123sql2-0-20121120105231'
$disk1Name = 'n123-n123sql2-0-20121120144521'
$disk2Name = 'n123-n123sql2-1-20121120145236'
$vm2 = New-AzureVMConfig -DiskName $disk0Name -InstanceSize Small -Name $vmName -Label $vmName -AvailabilitySetName $availabilitySetName |
    Add-AzureDataDisk -DiskName $disk1Name -Import -LUN 0 |
    Add-AzureDataDisk -DiskName $disk2Name -Import -LUN 1 |
    Set-AzureSubnet $subNet |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 3389 -Name 'RDP' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 50605 |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 1433 -Name 'SQL' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 14331

$sqlvms += ,$vm2

New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName -VMs $sqlvms

#region SharePoint
$disk0Namesp1 = 'n123-n123sp1-2012-09-13'
$disk0Namesp2 = 'n123-n123sp2-2012-09-13'
$vNetName = 'Network123'
$subNet = 'SharePointSubnet'
$availabilitySetName = 'WFE'

$spvms = @()

$vm1 = New-AzureVMConfig -DiskName $disk0Namesp1 -InstanceSize Small -Name $vmNamesp1 -Label $vmNamesp1 -AvailabilitySetName $availabilitySetName |
    Set-AzureSubnet $subNet |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 3389 -Name 'RDP' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 50704 |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 80 -Name 'HttpIn' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 80 -LBSetName "SPFarm" -ProbePort 80 -ProbeProtocol "http" -ProbePath "/probe/"
$spvms += ,$vm1

$vm2 = New-AzureVMConfig -DiskName $disk0Namesp2 -InstanceSize Small -Name $vmNamesp2 -Label $vmNamesp2 -AvailabilitySetName $availabilitySetName |
    Set-AzureSubnet $subNet |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 3389 -Name 'RDP' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 50705 |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 80 -Name 'HttpIn' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 80 -LBSetName "SPFarm" -ProbePort 80 -ProbeProtocol "http" -ProbePath "/probe/"
$spvms += ,$vm2

New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName -VMs $spvms

#region SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server witness
$disk0Name = 'n123-n123sp20131-0-20121120104314'
$disk1Name ='n123-n123sp20131-0-20121120220458'
$vNetName = 'Network123'
$subNet = 'SP2013Subnet'
$availabilitySetName = 'SQL'

$vm1 = New-AzureVMConfig -DiskName $disk0Name -InstanceSize Small -Name $vmName -Label $vmName -AvailabilitySetName $availabilitySetName |
    Add-AzureDataDisk -DiskName $disk1Name -Import -LUN 0 |
    Set-AzureSubnet $subNet |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 3389 -Name 'RDP' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 50804 |
    Add-AzureEndpoint -LocalPort 80 -Name 'HttpIn' -Protocol tcp -PublicPort 8080

New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName -VMs $vm1

In order to stop the whole platform, I use the following script:


#region init
Import-Module 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\PowerShell\Azure\Azure.psd1'

$subscription = 'Azdem169B44999X'
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscription -CurrentStorageAccount 'storrageazure2'
Set-AzureSubscription -DefaultSubscription $subscription

$cloudSvcName = 'n123'

#region shutdown and delete
echo 'will shut down and remove the following'
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName | select name
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName | Stop-AzureVM
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudSvcName | Remove-AzureVM


In order to get started, I read Michael Washam’s blog.



Blog Post by: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE