BizTalk 2009 – Deploying Orchestration Project Throws EnvDTE FileLoadException (and other issues)

BizTalk 2009 – Deploying Orchestration Project Throws EnvDTE FileLoadException (and other issues)

We have a few BizTalk 2009 projects going on at the moment and are running into some issues. The latest is the that when deploying a project containing an orchestration from Visual Studio 2008 you see an exception similar to:
“xlang/s engine event log entry: FileLoadException exception occurred while the XLANG/s runtime enlisted a service. […]

Next Melbourne BizTalk User Group Meeting – Tuesday 4th August 2009

We will be holding the next Melbourne BizTalk User Group Meeting on Tuesday 4th August 2009 at 5:30pm

The venue and sponsor for the meeting will be Stargate Group at Level 3, 600 Victoria Street, Richmond

The topics will be: ESB 2.0 Toolkit

  • BizTalk Team from Stargate Global Consulting will do a presentation on Installing the ESB 2.0 Toolkit
  • BizTalk Team from Stargate Global Consulting will do a presentation on Introduction to Itineraries
  • BizTalk Team from Stargate Global Consulting will do a presentation on Exception Management Framework

Please note we are starting the meeting at 5:30pm and there will be food and drinks supplied

If you cannot attend the meeting it will also be available via Live Meeting (Join the Meeting), starting at 6:00pm

Please RSVP for if you plan on attending the meeting.

Suspended Messages

Here is the stored procedure that needs to placed on the same server (but different database) as the MessageBoxDb. Then you simply have a job that runs this stored procedure (again, it never should need to be turned off)

This will check for new suspended messages every 30 seconds.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MonitorBTSMessages] 
    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'
        FROM [BizTalkMsgBoxDb].[dbo].[InstancesSuspended]
        WHERE DtCreated between DATEADD(s,-30,GETUTCDATE()) and GETUTCDATE()
                declare @thisSubject varchar(100)
                select top 1 @thisSubject='Suspended message on '+  nvcErrorProcessingServer
                FROM [BizTalkMsgBoxDb].[dbo].[InstancesSuspended]
                WHERE DtCreated between DATEADD(s,-30,GETUTCDATE()) and GETUTCDATE()
                and nErrorCategory=0
                Declare @body1 varchar(8000)
                SELECT @body1 = ISNULL(@body1+'Adapter: '+nvcAdapter+' at '+nvcURI+'<br />Description: '+nvcErrorDescription+'<br /><br />','')
                 FROM [BizTalkMsgBoxDb].[dbo].[InstancesSuspended]
                WHERE DtCreated between DATEADD(s,-30,GETUTCDATE()) and GETUTCDATE()
                and nErrorCategory=0
                ORDER BY nvcErrorDescription
                EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='',
                @copy_recipients =';',
                @subject = @thisSubject,
                @body = @body1,
                @body_format = 'HTML' ;



The UK SOA BPM User Group (SBUG)is holding a series of mini-meetings over the next few months. These are short live meetings / webcasts. I’m delighted to be presenting my web-service mocking tool , MockingBird at the next mini-meeting to be held on the 29th July.
I will be discussing how MockingBird assists and simplifies integration […]

Richard Seroter coming to BizTalk User Group Sweden!

Richard Seroter coming to BizTalk User Group Sweden!

Open your calendar and mark the 16th of September!

I think most people know who Richard Seroter is. Even if you don’t follow blogs on a regular basis, I’m sure you’ve come across his articles from time to time. I know Richard as a very smart guy with a great sense humor, and we’re very happy to finally get him to Stockholm.

Richard is the author of the recently released "SOA Patterns for BizTalk Server 2009" book (Packt Publishing) which takes a look at how to apply good SOA principles to a wide variety of BizTalk scenarios. He is also the technical reviewer of the upcoming “Pro BizTalk Server 2009” book from Apress.

Read Johan Hedberg’s review here.

BTW, before the event I plan to post a “Four Questions WithRichard Seroter”!

Topic: BizTalk Server, SOA and the Shift to the Cloud

Session 1: In this session we will discuss the continued relevance of SOA and how to apply SOA principles when designing and exposing services from BizTalk Server.

Session 2: This session shows how to exploit SOA principles when consuming existing services. We will also see how BizTalk can directly engage cloud offerings from the leading vendors.

Richard Seroter is a solutions architect for an industry-leading biotechnology company, a Microsoft MVP for BizTalk Server, and a Microsoft Connected Technology Advisor. He has spent the majority of his career consulting with customers as they planned and implemented their enterprise software solutions. Richard worked first for two global IT consulting firms, which gave him exposure to a diverse range of industries, technologies, and business challenges. Richard then joined Microsoft as a SOA/BPM technology specialist where his sole objective was to educate and collaborate with customers as they considered, designed, and architected BizTalk solutions. One of those customers liked him enough to bring him onboard full time as an architect after they committed to using BizTalk Server as their enterprise service bus. Once the BizTalk environment was successfully established, Richard transitioned into a solutions architect role where he now helps identify enterprise best practices and applies good architectural principles to a wide set of IT initiatives.

Richard maintains a semi-popular blog of his exploits, pitfalls, and musings with BizTalk Server, SOA and enterprise architecture at

The event will be officially announced on the user group site in the beginning of August.

bLogical SFTP Adapter – Planning for new release

I’ve been doing some minor bug fixes to the adapter, and plan a new release after the summer. So far, the only new feature is support for SSO, as that has been requested many times. However, I’m eager to hear if there are other requests. If there are, I’ll do my best to squeeze them in.

If anyone has done any fixes of their own, PLEASE let me know!

Visit the SFTP adapter site on CodePlex