BizTalk 2006 – Configuration with Cross Domain Local Groups

We are currently experiencing a bit of pain at my current client trying to configure BizTalk 2006 in a multiserver environment. The Active Directory configuration that this installation must adhere to consists of two forests. One of these contains all the production accounts, the other which is trusted by the first. Accounts from the domain in the first forest are put into domain local groups in the second.

This has all worked fine in our BizTalk 2004 installations, we have never experienced issues related to this set-up. However, while attempting to run through the configuration in BizTalk 2006 there have been numerous issues when defining the account to use for the Windows Service and/or the group assigned against the BizTalk role. The error messages have been similar to the following:

Error: Failed to add the user ‘DOMAIN1\INSTALL_USER to the domain group ‘DOMAIN2\SSO_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP’. To add members to domain groups you must have sufficient permissions in the domain (SSO)

Additional Information:- 0x000008AC The group name could not be found


  • DOMAIN1 = Domain in forest where accounts are held

  • DOMAIN2 = Domain in other forest where groups are held

  • INSTALL_USER = Account of user undertaking the configuration

  • SSO_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = Domain group set-up for use as SSO Administrators

Now, the error would lead you to believe that either the account or group doesn’t exist, or that the account isn’t a member of the group. However this is not the case and there is ongoing dialog between us and Microsoft as to what is the cause of the issue. It seems there have been problems realting to cross domain local group Active Directory configurations and I will be posting a follow-up when a solution or workaround has been found. This is just a heads up that if you are going to be using such a configuration, be wanred that you may obtain a headache rather quickly.

We did manage to get past the checking that occurs during the Enterprise SSO configuration by entering a debug registry key entry that will turn the Error you get in this scenario into a Warning. Errors stop you from continuing with any further configuration steps, whereas a warning will not. This is achieved by entering the following:

  • Create the following reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ENTSSO\Debug

  • Create the following DWORD value under this ConfigWarningsOnly

  • Set the value to 1

  • Restart the Configuration Wizard

Although this allowed us to progress, it didn’t allow us to complete the configuration as a similar issue occurs when you enter the BizTalk Runtime configuration. Another check occurs here between the accounts and groups you enter, and as they are also using the same AD configuration as the SSO account and group the same problem arises.

As I said, I will keep you posted on the outcome of this and as usual note that this has been experienced with beta 2 of the product and may not be an issue in later releases.

BizTalk 2006 – Configuration with Cross Domain Local Groups

We are currently experiencing a bit of pain at my current client trying to configure BizTalk 2006 in a multiserver environment. The Active Directory configuration that this installation must adhere to consists of two forests. One of these contains all the production accounts, the other which is trusted by the first. Accounts from the domain in the first forest are put into domain local groups in the second.

This has all worked fine in our BizTalk 2004 installations, we have never experienced issues related to this set-up. However, while attempting to run through the configuration in BizTalk 2006 there have been numerous issues when defining the account to use for the Windows Service and/or the group assigned against the BizTalk role. The error messages have been similar to the following:

Error: Failed to add the user ‘DOMAIN1\INSTALL_USER to the domain group ‘DOMAIN2\SSO_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP’. To add members to domain groups you must have sufficient permissions in the domain (SSO)

Additional Information:- 0x000008AC The group name could not be found


  • DOMAIN1 = Domain in forest where accounts are held

  • DOMAIN2 = Domain in other forest where groups are held

  • INSTALL_USER = Account of user undertaking the configuration

  • SSO_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = Domain group set-up for use as SSO Administrators

Now, the error would lead you to believe that either the account or group doesn’t exist, or that the account isn’t a member of the group. However this is not the case and there is ongoing dialog between us and Microsoft as to what is the cause of the issue. It seems there have been problems realting to cross domain local group Active Directory configurations and I will be posting a follow-up when a solution or workaround has been found. This is just a heads up that if you are going to be using such a configuration, be wanred that you may obtain a headache rather quickly.

We did manage to get past the checking that occurs during the Enterprise SSO configuration by entering a debug registry key entry that will turn the Error you get in this scenario into a Warning. Errors stop you from continuing with any further configuration steps, whereas a warning will not. This is achieved by entering the following:

  • Create the following reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ENTSSO\Debug

  • Create the following DWORD value under this ConfigWarningsOnly

  • Set the value to 1

  • Restart the Configuration Wizard

Although this allowed us to progress, it didn’t allow us to complete the configuration as a similar issue occurs when you enter the BizTalk Runtime configuration. Another check occurs here between the accounts and groups you enter, and as they are also using the same AD configuration as the SSO account and group the same problem arises.

As I said, I will keep you posted on the outcome of this and as usual note that this has been experienced with beta 2 of the product and may not be an issue in later releases.

BizTalk Host Manager

Randal van Splunteren published a handy little utility over on the BizTalk Intelligence Agency blog this morning – the BizTalk Host Manager. Turns out I had a similar utility under way, but he already has the icon done, so what the heck – I’ll just use his instead!
Hey Randal – one […]

Biztalk Host Manager 2004

Biztalk Host Manager 2004

Since Isaac is publishing post after post I thought it is time for me to also post something.

I developed a useful tool, called the Biztalk Host Manager (BTSHostManager), which we use in our development team to be able to quickly stop, start and especially restart BTS host instances.

Because all our developers found it a helpful tool we thought we would make it available for download.

Some features:
– It monitors background service state change of host instances (not by default, use options to enable) .
– It works for Biztalk 2004 and 2006.

– A seperate Biztalk 2006 version (compiled against 2.0 framework) will be available soon.
– This is not the final release version. We are still testing it, so please mail me any bugs you find.

BizTalk 2006 – WMI Create Send Handler

Trying to automate the process of creating Send Handlers in BizTalk 2006? You may be trying to use the class MSBTS_SendHandler, as shown in the snippet of code below. However, the class to be used in BizTalk 2006 is now MSBTS_SendHandler2 as the old one does not support creation of multiple send handlers, a constraint in BizTalk 2004.

‘ Explicit declaration of variables
Option Explicit

‘ wbemChangeFlagEnum Setting
const UPDATE_ONLY = 1
const CREATE_ONLY = 2

‘ Retrieve the arguments passed
‘Dim objArgs: Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

‘ Connects to local server WMI Provider BizTalk namespace
Dim objLocator : Set objLocator = Createobject (“wbemScripting.SWbemLocator”)
Dim objService : Set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer(“.”, “root/MicrosoftBizTalkServer”)

‘ Get WMI class MSBTS_ReceiveHandler
Dim objSendHandler : Set objSendHandler = objService.Get (“MSBTS_SendHandler“)

Dim objSH : Set objSH = objSendHandler.SpawnInstance_

objSH.AdapterName = “FILE”
objSH.HostName = “FILE_SendHost”

On Error Resume Next
‘ Create instance
On Error Goto 0

BizTalk 2006 – Beta 2 Windows Group Concatenation

Just a quick post to point out that if you are configuring a BizTalk 2006 server and your group name length is over a certain amount of characters (around about 50 I think), then don’t browse for the group, instead manually edit the group name within the text box. Otherwise you will find that the group name is truncated. This has been fixed for the RC build, so will only be an issue for the current beta 2 build.

BizTalk Performance Tester Released

Today I released the completed version of the BizTalk Performance Tester (BTSPerfTester). This application is intended to provide developers with an easily implemented and predictable method of determining the maximum sustainable throughput of their BizTalk solutions.
The documentation is included here on the site, and is included in MS-Word format in the download.
The first beta […]